A couple of weeks ago I sought opinions on whether to move ahead with Lupron and radiation to prostate bed and lymph nodes based on my status at the time:
I was Dx'd July of '18 with a Gleason of 7 (3+4), bilateral with perineural invasion. No extraprostatic invasion. Stage 2a. My prostatectomy was in November. The pathology on my prostate said it was negative to cancer in the lymph nodes and margins and expected a clean psa. In January, my PSA was 0.06, in Feb it was 0.09. I have another psa at the end of this week.
My 3rd psa was again (0.09), each one a month apart from the prior. I am now wondering if this changes the urgency and/or treatment plan. My urologist who did my surgery has a great rep but difficult to communicate with him and get Q’s answered. I am now scheduled to see a MO which will push my treatment by a month.
Any opinions on the urgency of continuing to do ADT and radiation?