It’s been awhile since I posted last. Anyway I’ve been in stage IV for over 6 years. In all I had a prosectomy, 2 different hormone treatments, 2 radiation treatments then provenge immunology therapy. Next I did taxotre chemo and was on a oral chemo. I was getting sicker everyday while my PSA was under20. I could not use my right hand to write or even eat. I had trouble walking and was using a walker if going far. Then I fell and went to the hospital. They did a full body CT and found 2 tumors the size of golf balls. One in my right thigh and the other in my head. Well we did radiation on my leg and surgery to remove the one in my head. 3 days later I walked out of the hospital. My hand works great and I feel better than I have in years. My PSA is going up last tease was 8. I’m now trying Xofigo as the cancer is only in my bones in a few spots. So what I’m getting at is sometimes a CT will find cancer where you never thought it was. For me a fall and a trip to the ER have made a huge difference in my life. I’m blessed that God used a simple fall to help me feel so much better. You just never know. I’m praying for everyone in this community. I wish you all the best in your fight against this horrible cancer. You are not alone
You never know: It’s been awhile since... - Advanced Prostate...
You never know

Scary tale, but blessings in disquise. ^6 years and now doing well. GREAT. Best to you, hoping for a long productive life with stage 4 Gleason9/10 for myself.
God works in mysterious ways...keep the faith... may God continue to bless you... prayer faith sustains me....
Rex - Similar story with guy I know from my local YMCA. He was a regular, had not been seen for almost a year. Next time I saw him I asked where he'd been. Said he fell off a ladder and broke a rib or two and when they did the X-ray found a spot on his lung. It was cancer, but found early and surgery seems to have gotten it all. That was about three tears ago. Black cloud with silver lining for sure. Good Luck 2 U Going Forward! Be Well - cujoe
Amazing story and amazing recovery! God does work in mysterious ways...blessed are you and grateful you’re back on the road to better days!
Sheri (cheerleader for you all now)
How are you doing, Sheri?
Thank you Peter for asking. I am holding up alright so far. Been a tough road but taking one day at a time. I hope that your doing well?
All the best to you.
We are all I this together.
That’s some hell of suffering guy. I think that you’re a walking miracle... your message of hope thru and beyond is needed and appreciated by me. Gives the flock trialing you hope. Thank you , keep truckin.
Well Rex it turns out that you are a King afterFall. Good Bless.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 02/19/2019 6:38 PM EST