I’m wondering how many are using cannabis oil to fight? Any info on dosing ? How to monitor?
Cannabis oil, cbd and the fight again... - Advanced Prostate...
Cannabis oil, cbd and the fight against colon cancers

I’m looking for info for a friend. He had surgery but does not have insurance for chemo. Wondering about other treatments?
Hi there. Father has prostate cancer and we are currently using cannabis oil to treat via the suppository method. I notice from your picture the bottles say CBD oil. Although CBD oil has many benefits health wise. It is high THC oil you need to very low CBD. Please steer away from purchasing this online as you won't know what you are taking. The best way is to make your own. It goes by 'Rick Simpson Oil' There are videos on YouTube showing you how to make it (best to view rick simpson video of him doing it himself)
He explains doses for cancer. Typically starting at 3 half rice grain sizes per day. Every 3 days up the doses until you reach 1g per day. At 1g per day is when people say they start to see results.
My father could not tolerate the high from it so we made him up suppositries instead (this method bypasses the liver and straight to the vascular so you avoid most of the high) We thought it would be better as nearer the prostate too. And he is now on 1g a day made up from 3 suppositries. We have another scan in February before he chooses to go ahead with chemo or not. So we will have an indicator then if it is working.
CBD oil is one of several daily things I take.