Has anyone tried CBD oil ,am on jevtana now ,four more treatments, I know it is not a cure just trying TO feel better
CBD OIL: Has anyone tried CBD oil ,am... - Advanced Prostate...

Same here NC.
Eastern nc.new bern
I do not know him,blue mountain is in kinston,I sent away to nuleaf in denver,co. Just started I waited to clear it with my onc.
Thank you, we are buried in paper work about cannabis oil ,it is worth a shot
Its all about the CBD or THC options. We cant get THC strains in the UK (legally) and CBD did nothing for me even for pain relief.
THC strain has pain relief properties and can be used to lower opiod doses which then help with all those bowel issues
No evidence yet it kills PCa cells themselves but its early days taking it.
Actually there have been studies to indicate it may help kill prostate cancer cells.
I took CBD oil for 3 months. It might as well have been olive oil for all the good it did.
In spring of 2014 I grew some wild sativa cnannabis and extracted 22 grams of dark colured grease which was the real oil undiluted.
Between Feb and October 2015 I ate enough each night to get a delightful high, and I had NO bad side effects of paranoia etc. So I figured my oil had high CBD and low THC, and I'd read a lot about what one Dennis Hill in US had said about it curing his stage 4 Pca. One Rick Simpson also had a lot to say. At the time, I was on ADT only, Psa < 1.0.
Dennis said if anyone consumed enough to get a high, it was enough to get a cure, and he said it took only 1 drop at night, one in morning, and he kept doing two jobs OK. I found I needed only a tiny amount to get a 4 hour high and during that time I could never have done any job.
I used only 10grams over 8 months, ie, about 240 doses, each about 4mg average, much less than a "drop". There are scammers telling ppl they must take 1 gram a day for 2 months, but they supply oil that has been diluted hugely, so that in a 100mL bottle of oil they sell for maybe $5,000, there is only
a very tiny amount of plant extract, and it may be nearly all THC, not CBD, so people get ripped off real bad.
So after following what Dennis hill had said online in videos etc, my Psa just continued upwards without the slightest reduction so CBD had ZERO effect.
Dennis had claimed to be a biologist from Texas. I learnt later the body makes its own CBD, and adding more just makes you feel better but there is no cure available from no matter how much CBD you consume or make. So the idea that cannabis cures Pca is FAKE INFORMATION, and I'm quite cool about it, and since 2015, nobody has be able to prove CBD cures cancer of any type, and before 2015, nobody ever did. But the making of false claims gather's ppl's attention, and the reasons for the fakery is to get fame and maybe a job selling some other junk. People tell lies to get rich or get ahead, or for 1,001 other nefarious reasons.
The 8 months of my aided relaxation did not interfere with my lifestyle and during my days I was the same straight man as usual. When I found it did not work, I quit, and without any withdrawal symptoms, no bad mental effects. High THC that many young ppl now smoke after buying junk cannabis from grow houses can make them mentally deranged; I know two men who are now 30+ and it made both schizophrenic. So THC = poison, OK, especially where there is almost no CBD present. I am lucky to not have an addictive personality. I rarely ever needed anything. I liked many things, but could give them up easily, and never did I consume anything to excess.
Cannabis is being legalised in many places which may reduce the horrid effects of a black market run by criminals whose advice about cannabis curing cancer you may safely ignore. I think many western advanced nations have too many ppl who cannot work, have weak morals, and umpteen problems they expect someome else to solve. Just compare the work ethics today to those in 1950.
But there has always been those who secumb to drugs and false claims, it is now obvious it costs society more to chase drug barons, punish the little ppl.
I have never ever seen anyone get violent after a joint, usually they are happy-happy and harmless, and more able to handle the bothers of cancer and other conditions.
Patrick Turner.
Very, very well said Mr. Patrick-Turner. If I knew how to put in the little thumbs up things (can't remember the name, damned lupron) I would give you twenty of them. So glad you did not get stoned and crash your cycle.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 12/15/2018 10:59 PM EST
I don't believe the ADT had any effect on my brain function. Since mid 2006 and now, I have cycled about 135,000km, with ADT from mid 2010 to now.
The cycling seemed to get my body and mind quite used to being chemically castrated, and hot flushes only happened in first year, then faded down to near zero. This week I cycled 281km, and both yesterday and today I did 72km, average speed 24kph+, and I'm working on my website after the ride and no fatigue. Last year while on ADT + Zytiga, I rejoined a cycle group I was forced to leave 3 years ago because of bad knees.
But during a Psa nadir while on Zytiga, I had both knee joints replaced in early 2017, and by July 2017 I felt re-born, yet again.
While with these guys again, I was first to cafe many times, proving once and for all that a man can be a good athlete while castrated, and with stage 4 Pca.
This weeks cycling took over 12 hours at effort level where I could not talk, too darn busy. At last Lucrin injection last thursday, Doc could not find much wrong and resting HR was 46. So afaiac, there is a lot to be said for vigourous exercise and a mainly vegetarian diet to maintain a youthful mental condition without hanging on to most bullshit ideas of youth.
The exercize stops my body rotting. But it cannot stop all cancer which is a product of DNA errors, and my immune system does not recognize my rogue Pca cells as being rogue. But now there is much immune therapy research going on and I might live long enough to get it when it matures to be worth getting.
In 2015, I was eating enough cannabis oil just after dinner every day for 8mths to give me a high from 8pm to midnight. Enough was only about 4 cubic millmetres. Next day, after good sleep, I was totally free of any of the mental fug I'd had during previous evening. I was just as alert as ever on the bike. I sure need to be alert because each and every day there are continuous risks to life to from traffic, pedestrians, and road conditions.
I did survive my youth where I'd ridden 200,000 km on motorcycles, spent
30 years working on building sites, and made numerous serious attempts to have a life with a shiela and not come away a mental wreck who had been ruined by such danger filled interfaces.
The Pca looks like it will kill me, but just when I don't know.
So what. There is nobody who does not have serious challenges to his / her life that they cannot fully control.
BTW, I also tried eating many apricot kernels, ie, bitter almonds, because ppl said these have cyanide which will go into cancer cells and kill them.
No such thing seemed to happen, and Psa just rose while I ate what was said to be enough to kill my Pca. So that's another quack cure that is a myth. Nobody can use bitter almonds to kill their cancer unless they consume enough to poison themselves to death.
That sure does work, but I can assure you there is no quality of life when dead, and those who say there is an afterlife also maintain there is a God, and killing yourself is a mortal sin so you go to hell because God punishes you, and of course all theology is bullshit, a product of wayard collective imaginations by millions of ignorant ppl who cannot deal with Being Alone, as we really all are.
Patrick Turner.
Took 13 drops a day of CBD hemp oil from a major Supplier for five years I have prostrate cancer did absolutely nothing to help if it doesn't have the THC in it it's worthless don't waste your money.
I'm in Kernersville Nalakrats. By the way, thanks for all your input and replies to queries.
Hello Mathes, I took 100 to 300 mg of CBD during my chemo to reduce the potential of neuropathy in the fingers and toes, which is a common side effect. I did not suffer the neuropathy but I cannot say with certainty that CBD played a role (single result, no control). Nevertheless, after further reviewing the literature on PubMed I discovered that it is very difficult to achieve a therapeutic level of CBD in the blood because it is cleared very rapidly from the body. A case study from the UK using pharmaceutical grade appears to indicate efficacy of intermittent dosing of CBD. I have attached the abstract - I hope its useful.
The abstract from PubMed:
Anticancer Res. 2018 Oct;38(10):5831-5835. doi: 10.21873/anticanres.12924.
Report of Objective Clinical Responses of Cancer Patients to Pharmaceutical-grade Synthetic Cannabidiol.
Kenyon J1, Liu W2, Dalgleish A2.
Author information
Cannabinoids are widely used in the management of pain, nausea and cachexia in cancer patients. However, there has been no objective clinical evidence of any anticancer activity yet. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of pharmaceutical-grade synthetic cannabidiol on a range of cancer patients.
We analysed the data routinely collected, as part of our treatment program, in 119 cancer patients over a four-year period.
Clinical responses were seen in 92% of the 119 cases with solid tumours including a reduction in circulating tumour cells in many cases and in other cases, a reduction in tumour size, as shown by repeat scans. No side-effects of any kind were observed when using pharmaceutical grade synthetic cannabidiol.
Pharmaceutical-grade synthetic cannabidiol is a candidate for treating breast cancer and glioma patients.
Copyright© 2018, International Institute of Anticancer Research (Dr. George J. Delinasios), All rights reserved.
Cancer; breast cancer; cannabinoids; ependymoma; prostate cancer
Totally agree
Enjoy your time in Florida. I sail a 36' sailboat and have had it in Florida and the Bahamas since I retired in 2013. This is the first winter here at home in NC since then as I had to have some scans etc done. Time to concentrate on my health a bit more!
One quick question; going to buy some whey protein but most of it, including Muscletech, seems to contain soy protein. Which do you prefer?
Am on Jevtana now for three months - 5 down 3 to go, and take CBD twice daily. It helps the inflammation, nausea, and overall feeling of wwellness. I buy mine from Green Mountain CBD in Vermont. Excellent products. Good price. Legal in all 50.
Good luck.
Thanks, and good fishing
What is it used for?
Before you go,have you ever been to Duke for treatment or anything, who did you see. I am 2 an1/2 hours away.i do not mind traveling if something comes from it.i wasted 3 trips to Houston.told me nothing new, thank you for all the info you give away,enjoy fla
I have been seeing Dr Dan George and his team at Duke for the last year and highly recommend him. PC is all he does and he is a teacher, researcher and still finds time to see patients! Great guy that listens and is concerned with your health. The Cancer Center there is incredible and lots of good places in the immediate area for lunch because the days can be long if you have set of scans scheduled like I do every 3 months.
I tried a local MO when we moved here 2 years ago and while i liked him as a guy he did not specialize in PC and that is what I felt I needed so I moved to Dan George who was highly recommended to me by my original MO in Providence RI.
Chocolate chip ice cream (double dip) = my CBD.
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Saturday 12/15/2018 11:029 PM EST
If you can get thc it woks better for mind and body.
I never said smoke, I find a small ( very small edible) 2 hours before bed can nearly stop the night flashes ,at lest for me. And in the morning I find my self in a much better mood.