very rough day at the doc and needing advice for my son age 41
DX in Jan with PSA of1250 with bone and lymph node at mayo clinic. did chemo and lupron and after 6 chemo psa went down to 8. went to northwestern for a second opinion and they suggested a clinicial trial. after waiting 6 weeks for results of a boispy being told none of the specimans were viable so not accepted in the trial as we could not wait any longer for new treatment. while waiting psa went from23 to 85 and lots of burning bone pain. tthe oncologist at u of chicago wants to start chemo again with zytiga. my son did not want me to be there for the appt . but told me without treatment he would have about 2 months. with treatment maybe a year. I have read about keytruda radium 233 in clinicial trials. my son is very discouraged and wonders why he is fighting this so hard for a few months and a terrible quality of life ..
I don't know what to tell him. talking about other treatments and trials seems like false hope .everyone on this site is knowledgeable and helpful. I know every cancer is different and peoples response is different . his seems very aggressive. what after chemo and zytiga?? do we wait and see or plan the next treatment or accept the one year opinion??
thanks for all your advise