Prostate Cancer Stage 4 Metastasized - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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Prostate Cancer Stage 4 Metastasized

9 Replies

My PSA went from (3.8) 4/15 to (10.2) 12/16. From then it actually took 8 months to receive a Robotic Prostatectomy which found my Gleason to be a 9 with seminal vesicle invasion. Dec 8 2018 post Prostatectomy PSA 12/8/18 @ 0.6 - 01/08/18 @ 1.51 and again 02/14/18 @ 3.57. It is a horrible feeling. Jan 31 18 MRI showed one suspicious bone lesion in the hip area. 2/14/18 started Lupron 22.5 every 1/4 along with Casodex. 5/16/18 2nd MRI/BONE scan shows uptake on bones. I have been taken off the Casodex still on Lupron. May be switching over to Zytiga. I am worried about the progression of the mets and don't know how to feel. Survival comes into play. Seeing good reviews with all the new treatments and trials. Still fearful.

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9 Replies
gusgold profile image

get on lupron/zytiga fast

ctarleton profile image

Looks like you are getting a good treatment plan in the quarterly Lupron + early Zytiga. It's likely that you may on the Lupron indefinitely. You did not mention if the added Zytiga will have the usual additive Prednisone. With bone mets, you might also ask your Oncologist about taking one or the other of the bone protective agents Zometa (zoledronic acid) via IV, or Xgeva (denosumab) via injections. You will know soon if your cancer cells are being knocked down by this combination treatment. Many men see a rapid drop of PSA to low levels in only a few months.

I remember when I was first diagnosed 4 1/2 years ago at age 65 with very many bone mets already established, and at least one of them quite painful, and a PSA over 5,000. My Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan lighted up like a Christmas Tree! Initial treatments worked very well and melted away the pain.

The fear and anxiety was tough, though, especially during the first year. I found some face-to-face support groups to be helpful, too.


snoraste profile image

You did not mention your age or the center where you’re being treated.

My first and foremost recommendation is to go (if possible) to a reputable cancer center ( MD Anderson, Mayo, MSK) and build a team of doctors around your needs (urologist, oncologist, radiologist, cardiologist, ..).

I also highly recommend to do a genomic sequencing of the tumor. There are a few targeted therapies out there that you maybe eligible to try.

It’s good that you have done an RP, and are now on Zytiga as well. Read about “multimodal” treatment of PCa on this forum. You have done half of it already.

Last but far from the least, exercise, have a healthy diet, and build up your mental strength. This is the beginning of a very long journey for you.

I wish you the best in fighting this bastard. I am biased and a proponent of aggressive and early chemotherapy. I underwent a six month chemotherapy-hormone trial which killed my mets in 2004.

Gourd Dancer

j-o-h-n profile image

to davidtina: "Still fearful"... As long as you're in this F&N fight... you will always be fearful. However do NOT let this fear engulf you. Live and enjoy your life. Laugh!!!

Good Luck and Good Health.

j-o-h-n Tuesday 05/22/2018 4:55 PM EDT

leo2634 profile image

My MO started me on Zytiga,Prednisone,Eligard injections as soon as I was diognosed in February PSA was 14 and in less than two monrhs is now undetectable. I have complete faith in my Doctors which is a big part in this fight. I wish you the best my Brother keep fighting. Leo

DaughterOnAMission profile image
DaughterOnAMission in reply to leo2634

Where are you located? Bone mets? Trying to get the same started with my dad at Kaiser. Meeting with the mo soon

leo2634 profile image
leo2634 in reply to DaughterOnAMission

Hi I live in South New Jersey ,and yes I have bone Mets along with progression in lymph nodes. I received Xgeva injections to help with the bone Mets. I feel better then I have in years hopefully it will stay that way for awhile. I wish you the best Remember the best medicine is a positive attitude cancer hates that. Lastly don't stop living if you wanted that car of your dreams buy it , take the trip of a lifetime, kiss your love ones everyday and thank God for the life you still have. Best of luck Leo.

EricE profile image

Stay strong. Stay positive and keep us posted. There's a lot of knowledge on this board and every one of us is pulling for you. I'm too new to the game to offer any medical knowledge but I'm learning. I just had a robotic prostatectomy] about 6 weeks ago. Wishing you all the best.

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