My brother ( 67) has had stage 4 prostrate cancer since 2014.
He was undergoing Chemotherapy.
4 weeks ago , he had both kidney stents changed - June 19th
3 days later his ankles and feet were swollen.
We treated with massage and epsom salt.
He had no pain in ankles or feet.
5 days later he was taken to Hospital - June 30th
We were told that recently put in stents were clogged ! That was a shock.
What bothers me is that he was walking and talking and joking before he was taken to hospital.
They put nephrostomy tubes and he was supposed to come home on July 9th.
He was very excited that he will be home.
He even watched Wimbledon with me and talked a lot about who will win etc.
Starting July 11th he was not feeling well and started to complain about pain on right side.
On July 18 , he had cardiac arrest( he had a heart stent put in in 2013 )
2 days ago we were told that his liver has grown to twice the size because of cancer.
BUT BUT - All the MRI's and CT Scans he had done over last 2 years NEVER mentioned that he has liver cancer !
We are totally lost !
We have been told that he may not be with us soon - He is in ICU
Today, he can not talk and needs breathing tube and we are very upset to see his condition.
Hospital wants to disconnect all tubes and let him pass away while giving Morphine.
I am really lost - How can liver cancer go undetected and spread in 2 weeks to the point where he can no longer live ?
Any help will help !