Husband finished chemo feb 20 and has been doing well since. We had flown a couple of times in the last week. He presented with over 102 fever and back ache and thigh ache . Went to emergency room and they diagnosed adult virus. This seems like a very bogus diagnosis. Any comments? Should I push for an earlier psa test? Not due til end of June.
Fever of 102: Husband finished chemo... - Advanced Prostate...
Fever of 102

It almost sounds sounds like a Neutropenic Fever. But with chemo completed in February, it certainly shouldn't be. Generally neutropenia occurs shortly after a chemo infusion, happened to me. If it were me I would "push'" for a blood test to determine his white blood count and also his absolute neutrophil count. When was his last bone scan?
Please be advised I'm not a doctor or part of any medical field. Just reporting my own experience.

He did have the white blood count and absolute neutrophil done and they were a little high. What does the nuerrophil show??
"Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell. In fact, most of the white blood cells that lead the immune system’s response are neutrophils."
Having a low absolute neutrophil count can lead to a fever as the body can't fight off infection. Anything lower than 1.0 is considered borderline. If his was a little high, he has the ability to fight off infection and his fever wasn't the cause of low white blood cells. That's a good thing. I was in intensive care for 5 days once due to a very low absolute neutrophil count, it was 0.2. They didn't release me until it rose to 1.0. 1.5 is the low end.
You can always go to most any medical facility that performs blood tests and have a psa test done if it will bring piece of mind. It isn't to expensive.
If it makes you feel better a PSA test would not hurt. We were supposed to wait 3 months for one and I managed to get one of our docs to sneak an extra PSA and Chromagranin test in during the middle.. It gave me great peace of mind.
Absolutely I would get a PSA test done, consultants cannot be there all the time and we have to do what we think it's best. I had several PSA tests done within a few months for my other half and it was 100% the right thing to do. Hope all will be ok.
Just curious, but while in the emergency room did they perform a D-Dimer test? Pt's with a history of cancer have an increased potential for blood clots. Fever also increases the potential.
With your husbands complaint of thigh pain and recent flights (air travel is also a risk factor) I would see if he had a negative D-Dimer from the ER visit. (If so you should not worry about a blood clot). If he has a high D-Dimer additional testing may be warranted. A simple venous ultrasound will rule that out. I was a Vascular sonographer in a previous life.
As you certainly realize, chemo has left your husband with a depressed immune system and therefore more subject to viral attacks. The stress of flying tipped the balance in favor of this invader. The white blood cells include neutrophils (about 70% of your WBC), dendritic cells, and natural killer cells. Your husband's immune system (speaking as an ignorant layman) probably needs the amplification beta glucan can provide. I take beta 1, 3-D Glucan #300 to optimize my immune system ONCE A DAY ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. I do not get any colds or the flu. My wife has had viral attacks but I do not get them.
This immunomodulator is described in detail by Dr. Vaclav Vetvicka in his text "Beta Glucan: Nature's Secret". His chapter on "Glucans and Cancer" is very helpful. His research has also included a competitive analysis of glucans on the market and the winner was Transfer Point's #300 mentioned above. Beta glucan has been used as a licensed treatment in Japan for cancer for more than 30 years. You can get a short course in beta glucans by going to Dr. Vetvicka, who is at the University of Louisville Medical School (Pathology Department) is interviewed at this site along with a number of other cancer specialists.
Beta glucan is being used as an adjuvant therapy in a number of clinical trials at numerous cancer centers across the country. Dr. Vetvicka recommends one dose a day of 3 - 500mg. capsules with resveratrol and vitamin C. These latter two supplements have a synergistic effect with beta glucan and thereby achieve more significant results. I use Nature's Answer resveratrol as it includes vitamin C (two capsules).
Dr. Vetvicka emphasizes that he does not endorse any product. He is a consummate research microbiologist. I should add my own disclaimer: I have no financial interest in any supplement manufacturer and I have no personal relationship with Dr. Vetvicka. I am a 76 year old, G 8, stage IV PCa patient (2012), with a PSA trending lower for the last two years, currently 0.06. Lupron is my only therapy.
In my posts elsewhere at this site, you will find a more extensive listing of natural supplements that I take.
Your happy vegan, CalBear74
Where can I buy natures answer? Amazon didn’t seem to have it. Thank you for sharing
You can find it and many other products at I also find useful.
Hi there.
I would definitely push to get all the tests done that you can get done, all the blood tests and PSA test and CT scans. Good luck!
Caution, if he gets a pca test at other than the lab than he normally gets one, he might get unexpected and confusing results. Normally Urologist and MO's suggest using the SAME lab all the time.
Good Luck and Good Health.
j-o-h-n Tuesday 05/08/2018 1:49 PM EDT
Sounds like infection. Immunity is down . Lots of bugs in those planes air systems. Hope he heals fast and gets over the virus. Little contact with peeps might be good until stronger. Don’t think it’s a Psa issue. wish I could help .