Anyone have a fever every day for at least part of the day while on Xtandi?
Fever while on Xtandi?: Anyone have a... - Advanced Prostate...
Fever while on Xtandi?

I haven't used Xtandi, but I just did a Google search on (xtandi adverse effects fever) and found this web page:
It includes this text:
Stop using enzalutamide and call your doctor at once if you have:
fever, cough with yellow or green mucus, stabbing chest pain, wheezing, feeling short of breath;
It looks like you should call the doc's office. You could also call the company that makes Xtandi and ask them about it. My experience is that doctors do not know most of the side effects of the drugs they prescribe and, instead of looking things up when a patient reports a problem they just say, "I haven't ever seen that. It's probably not caused by Xtandi." That's a particularly self defeating stance for a doctor to take since when another guy reports it he'll probably still say he's never heard of it, remembering only that the guy who reported it before must have had something else.
I'd call the company and ask what the fever indicates and what is the nature of the danger it poses.
Hi Alan. About an hour ago I contacted Pzizer who connected me with Astellas Pharma, who takes all calls from patients regarding side effects of Xtandi. They state that they do not show fever as being a side effect of Xtandi, but they are going to note it and contact my oncologist. I also just contacted my oncologist by email -- he or his nurse usually call or email back the same day.
Thanks for replying. I always appreciate it.
Re-reading my answer to you on this, I see that there are two ways to interpret the line "fever, cough with yellow or green mucus, stabbing chest pain ..."
One way is, If you have any of these symptoms ...
Another way is, If you have all of these symptoms together ...
I hope the second interpretation is right, but even if so, I think it merits communication with the oncologist.
I use Xtandi but have never had a fever. If it's' a one time event, it's probably not something to worry about. If it's daily, I would be concerned. In either case contact your oncologist.
Fever ... or hot flashes? Well familiar with hot flashes caused by ADT like eligard.

Fever, temperatures of 99.5 to 100 degrees that might go higher were it not for me taking Tylenol.
I have not experience any such affect after over a yearof use of Xtandi but I also suggest you might call the distributing pharmaceutical company and asked to talk to the pharmacist as they often receive complaints and often field these type of questions
Yes Ed,
Might they be flashes of hot? That extend for long periods of time? Have your eyeballs sweated yet? As Joe Walsh says "Welcome to the club!"
An added note: Hot flashes also drive your blood pressure through the roof, as does Zytiga. This may be the temp rise...IMO
Thanks Joe -- I never thought of that.
My oncologist just contacted me. He is having me stop taking Xtandi for 2 days and then start back taking only 3 pills a day instead of 4 until I see him again for my next appt. in 2 weeks. I can see if I notice any difference in the two days or at the lower dose. To be complete, I should also state that a good part of the reason my dose is being lowered to 3 tabs per day is to try to reduce the fatigue that I have been experiencing (something that I posted about a week or so ago).
I would like to thank everyone for all the replies that I have received. They did prompt me to action with both the pharmaceutical company and my oncologist.
I am happy to report that the every day fever left about 2 months ago and has not returned!!
My husband has been on Xtandi almost 2 months. He gets low grade fever almost every night, lasting most of the night but clearing up around 8ish in the morning. He takes 4 Xtandi at around 8 pm every day. After reading this post I will take his temp tonight at 7 before Xtandi and again at 8:30 or 9 after he takes his Xtandi. Also started having terrible hip pain. 😕
Ugh, hip pain -- I wonder what that's all about! Best of luck to your husband and you both!!
Thanks. Don't know if it's a side effect of the Xtandi or the metastasis coming back because PSA is trending up again.
Oh no!!! I hope the oncologists is doing scans on that area...
He's having a PET scan a week from Friday. But Oncologist has said he's done all he can do and referred us to Moffit in Tampa. Can't get in there until November 22. At this point I'm wishing we had gone to a large cancer clinic instead of a sole practitioner- but hind sight is 20/20 so we keep a positive attitude and push forward.