Continuous advances have provided a new understanding on Metastatic Prostate Cancer Survival Rate. The problem with majority of sufferers are they are unaware of signs associated with the disease. Others also seem to delay seeing a healthcare professional thinking the early symptoms are nothing serious. Due to its slow progression, the sooner patients get into treatment, the bigger their chance to survive.
How Prostate cancer is diagnosed
Metastatic Prostate Cancer Survival Rate is found to be no more than 28-percent. This is due to the cells that have been spread to lymph nodes, bones and other organs. If your Prostate-Specific Antigen test suggests you may have developed prostate cancer, biopsy will take place to confirm. Other that PSA test, digital rectal exam or DRE may also be used as a pointer.
The Metastatic Prostate Cancer Survival Rate procedure typically takes 10-minutes and the process is fairly simple. Your healthcare professional will remove prostate tissue by inserting a hollow needle through your rectum’s wall. These dozens of tiny samples will then be handed out to a pathologist. If cancer cell is found, it will then be graded using Gleason Scoring