Went to emergency room yesterday, and docs could not find why husband is in pain. Blood tests, cat scan, urine showed nothing wrong. Gallbladder, appendix, colon looks good. Going for more tests Monday, but hubby is considering going back to emergency room. They gave him a shot of pain med, and he took a Percocet 10 at home. Anyone have pain in gut? He has been on Zytiga without Prednisone (as that turned him into a full blown diabetic) & takes Lupron shots every 3 months. He was on a clinical trial for 2.5 years...drug was a miracle now called Ibrance, and helped him go in remission. He had been told by docs there was no hope. His PSA was low ..4...at diagnosis. He is 62. His cancer had metasized to his lymph nodes....
Severe abdominal or gut pain - Advanced Prostate...
Severe abdominal or gut pain

Does your husband have any bone mets? Abdominal pain sent me to the ER a couple of months ago. I had mets in my spine. Palliative radiation to the spine has helped.
Husband has not been told if he has any cancer to his bones. Docs tell him all that lighted up area is severe arthritis. We will be going to the University of Mi next week for more scheduled tests, unless he decides his pain is too great...and we may just go straight to the emergency room again.
I have severe pain in abdomen and bloating. My abdomen gets as hard as a rock. Doc says it is probably caused by meds. Semethicone (gas x) helps.
Could be unrelated to PCa I had that and turned out to be a diaphragmatic hernia which resulted in emergency surgery to get my colon off of my lungs and put back where it belonged Hopefully your problem is not so Dyer a CT scan will show if it is or if a bowel obstruction get to the bottom of it none the less I was sent home with gas x too Please see your internist before it gets any worse
Similar case here. Pain is excruciating. Gas bubble seen on ultrasound. Bubble persists, but Gas X has helped, but has not gotten rid of bubble. We are administering one pill with each meal. CT showed all clear in gut, and intestines. No blockages. A|ll organs on left side -gall bladder, spleen, pancreas unremarkable. Massaging the are gently to move the gas seems to help. Using ginger tea- freshly grated and will be trying to to suck on a fresh piece to sustain impact.
Severe Psin: I’ve been on Lupton (ADT only Lupron) going into the 7th year.
• The first few years I had side effects, but learned what they were, and coped with each cycle. A few ER visits.
• Now the last two years (5 & 6), severe fatigue, disabling pain, high BP, etc., etc., Severe! Have gone to the ER several times (even given hydrocodone). But from lab work, scans, etc. results say that I’m healthy, Nothing was found. Damn!
• Went back to my oncologist discouraged with questions. (a) You must take Lupron for the rest of your life. (PSA has been 0.00 for 6 years. Surgery ... prostatectomy ... pathology report: cancer spread outside the prostate ... across surgical margins. And hot-spots in Scan.) (b) “Please, can I stop the Lupron!” No, says both the Oncologist and Urologist: “Keep in mind that the ADT side-effects are nothing compared to the consequences of reoccurrence.” The Oncologist has been realistic: “The Lupron will progressively tear-up your body and neurology.” (Plus the “zero” testosterone.) “Be prepsired for the metastatic area to wake-up ... you will eventually die from prostate cancer.”
• So recently (the last two years) I’ve been going through misery ... I just cope, I just buck-up, I walk-it-out. Going to the ER just to be told that there’s nothing much wrong, you’re healthy, all diagnostics normal? (One ER visit was $14,000 ... I have good insurance.) Now I just cope during the continuing cycling of days where I feel like life in this situation is not worth it. ••• I don’t go to the ER any more.••• Side-effects! But ... I guess ... it’s noting compared to the progression to death from a reoccurring of prostate cancer.
I was switched to trelstar from Lupron 6 weeks ago and my side effects are virtually gone. Not sure why but I live it!
Five years Psa>0 were great results. 2yrs of pain very scary to us newbies looking forward. My specialist told me also “ you will die of prostate cancer, you won’t see eighty. Because of your severity and your early age 53 ..” a yr1/2 later I had Psa>.04 and no visible signs. The same Dr told me jokingly you have 30 yrs.. I’m tested every 3 months for the test drug Tak-700. But when I pressed him at that time 2yrs ago he said this type of remission typically last 4 yrs but I may be able to stretch it to 5-6-7 who knows..I’m 1/2 into that 4 yr projection.. I say APC never leaves us ( that’s why’ drs say Adt for life) although some guys with sustained low Psa ‘s are taking a break from Adt. Hope I can do that also some day.. I’m told the same; this drug til failure then 5 more drugs available and more in the pipeline.. on the other hand once we are stage #4. W mets, there ain’t no guarantees..for any of us..Sorry for the pain and suffering..I’ve been there, suicidal thoughts , no end in sight to the pain , dismal outlook.. eventually we will all die of something ,so for the dr to say for sure .. They are not god. We could get hit by a taxicab tomorrow. Your labs are good? I would see a PC specialist if you are not already...get a second opinion..You need to get rid of that pain and get out of that misery.. It’s possible.. don’t give up or say this is it..I believe you can and will do much better.. I’m mad at your Drs..

Wow. Almost the same story and discussion. You take care of yourself!
• Some days I feel good: This can’t be happening to me!
• Some days felling generally okay. The doctors must know that the cancer is there, and will come back ... why else such great effort, the drugs, such invasive treatments, and such great expense ($$$).
• Some days: Damn I know this is going to kill me, now I can tell. (a) Often: “I’m finished. No more. I just want to sleep!” (b) Often: “Okay lets be aggressive with this cancer.”
Solution for all the depression, pain, and cycles of side-effects:
(I go to Pain Management ... lesions in the bones on the spine. Addition to pain medication is not an issue.)
✔️ A 1/2 tablet to help get me out of bed in the morning, then perhaps another 1/2 in the afternoon. The whole tablets when the pain cycles and surges through the back and the body. With narcotics I can make it physically, and as it’s drug, it relieves, cuts into the anxiety and depression. Reality: The cancer and the treatment are not going away.
You are speaking from the heart . You are much better at dealing with the pain then I am. Hate the narcotics personally. When needed , oh ya , the stronger the better.. keep kickin the pain, hope that subsides,,..The Doctors know what they know. They don’t know it all.We know it’s a battle for our Mind and body..it’s not going to go away without a fight ..a total test of will and spirit while in pain and suffering.. Being a realist ..sucks ,I’m one. Rather be a dreamer ....if we give up on ourselves what does that say about us to those that take care of us or love us . Keep the faith in what you love. Nothing else matters.
My husband felt severe pain in stomach area during later time of aggressive prostate cancer, was told he had mets to liver. If your husband showed no signs of that, then he is blessed. Spreading to liver was final phase for us.
May he Rest In Peace with no more suffering.
I have been on Decapeptyl (Trelstar) now for about 7 years on and off. Over the last couple of years the gas in my bowel has been very painful at times and did lead me to A&E on one occasion. My stomach was very tender and the symptoms not unlike appendicitis although I don't have an appendix. They found nothing to explain it but did notice that the shadow on the T10 vertebra was greatly increased in size and therefore almost certainly a metastasis. So the trip was not totally wasted.
I had gut problems in November and I changed around the time of day I am taking other medications I am taking for other diseases. Drugs like fish oil, vitamins, and anti-cholesterol. Now they do not affect each other and I feel much better.
I have been hospitalized twice in last weeks due to SEVERE abdominal pain- like nothing I have ever experienced. Ended up (after both hospitalizations) coming back, my oncologist prescribed two different antibiotics thinking it is a bacterial gastroenteritis- and I am feeling better almost back to normal just three days in.
Sorry to hear about the stomach pain: My husband had a trip to the hospital for a one week stay because of severe nausea and vomiting along with abdominal pain in November of 2017. They only found a small area of thickening of the lining is his small intestine. They said a very small amount of Advil could have caused that.
He has been on chemo that ended March 2017. Then started zytiga. Felt fine until about October when he became more and more nauseous. Looked up Zytiga and it can do this. Also chemo can do damage to the intestinal lining. But, why would it appear 7 months later. Is that possible? We assume it was a build up of Zytiga. They did scans and brain MRI because they wanted to make sure it wasn’t in the brain (apparently that can cause nausea and vomiting). Seems there are many sources that cause stomach pain, etc. Careful. While in the hospital, they started him on Ciprofloxacin (antibiotic). Honestly it has made him have pulled muscles and tendons continuously. Still recovering from it 2 months later. I love our oncologist, and I truly think they don’t want to say it is chemo or Zytiga. I really hoped he could tolerate the Zytiga longer. It gives more years.
Be sure to try alternative meds along with conventional. There are others things out there that give us hope.
I was told while in the hospital by my neauphologist to “ never use alleve or similar products, terrible for the kidnies .”I had been using alleve pm and went in to kidney failure. I had constant UTI’s for 1yr &1/2 and grew immune to ; all the heavy antibiotics including cipro. The only that worked was bactrim..it had bad side effects for me.glad to off all anti- biotics.all of these are terrible on the joints and tendons . I’m still feelin a little like Humpty Dumpty after the fall . My hope is That everyone can rebuild and regain strength. After cancer treatments. .it takes time for sure....enjoy any good moments..It’s a miracle that any of us are here, alive. I haven’t done chemo or zytiga so thanks for that info..
Zytiga did that to my husband. Severe diarrhea and stomach pain the entire time he took it.
Sounds wonderful!
Every once in awhile my stomach feels like Ive been gut shot. Next thing I know, It's gone. I'm sure this is no help but....
Btw, i eat zero foods that could cause stomach irritation. Maybe it's all the supplements I take. I'm not not brightest candle on the cake. sorry I couldn't be of more help.
You’re still avoiding the head shots, and giving inspiration to others..supplements can effect me the same way..
What was the outcome?