Does any one know if birm helps hot flashes?
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I'm using it. Three times s day. No...unfortunately. Does make my before bed
I can't say that...but, I haven't tried to notice it one way or another. Brain fog, energy, yes. At this juncture of my life, I get hot flashes like a woman would get her period. Hard and heavy, then it lightens up for a few weeks. Odd.

Thanks joe, great input, exactly what I need more energy and less brain fog. Lupron has nasty sides, I am 82 blaming fog on old age.
No sir, it's all the Lupron doing it's thing. I just turned 58, and on Lupron for 7 1/2 years, and it's bad. Remember, the 80's are the new 60's. I know many folks your age who put me to shame.

Thanks Joe, been on Lupron for 4 years along with Exgeva. 7/5 years gives me a lot of hope, was told by rosewell I had 1 to 3 years. Beat them so far.
1-3 years? I laugh. No one can predict our demise, as hard as they may try. I got ten to fifteen, with good behavior, I should go much further. If my Uro had done me right, I wouldn't be in the way I am today. Hindsight is always 20/20, but doctors are supposed to protect us from harm. Not feed it.
Been using BIRM now for some 40 days and I note no effects upon my persistent hot flashes and night and day sweats . I am waiting PSA testing in less than than two weeks to determine if it has any efficacy in influencing serology results and thus my stage M1b disease process .
Thanks Wag , I am about to start on birm, so far I have had positive input on use of this health option.
How long have you been on ADT treatment? My hot flashes subsided after about a few years, not that they are gone mind you. I get them like a woman gets her period, no shit. I began on 5/1, so we're just beginning.

I've was on Firmagon For 1 Month Then Lupron Since February , 2013 . I have noted when PSA lowering I experience up to 18 sweats in a day . But when rising , very , very few . Recently placed on Casodex and PSA dropped from .35 to .05 in one month while the intensity and frequency of sweats and hot flashes increased exponentially . So I Chose to cherish them !
Thanks karts. 4 years for me with Exgeva and Lupron . Not complaining had 82 good years. Bless all you guys, keep blogs coming.