May 1, BIRM-day: I received my BIRM... - Advanced Prostate...

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May 1, BIRM-day

18 Replies

I received my BIRM this morning, so it begins. I was quite surprised with the dosage, 2 ml. twice a day. So, 60 days for $83 isn't too bad. The taste however, blech.

I've been feeling pretty low for the past several weeks, so any boost in energy would be a huge benefit. I'm doing this on my own with no input from my Onc. As far as I'm concerned right now, is that this is an immune booster, nothing more. I'll post how it goes.

Joe-guinea pig

18 Replies
Scruffybut1 profile image

Would be very interested to read your progress Joe. Anything that lifts my energy levels would be fantastic.

motosue profile image

Thanks for posting your results

rococo profile image

Looking forward to positive results. Good luck

Bill2005 profile image

I'm currenty taking taxotere, firmagon, casadex. Having my 6th chemo treatment today. Fatigue and energy level were at my lowest points ever after 5th treatment. Walking down the hall would exhaust me. Was out of breath with minor tasks.

I started taking the Birm 2 1/2 weeks ago. Energy level started to pickup within a couple days and keeps improving every day. Went to walmart yesterday and in a hurry and was able to jog with the cart a little to get out quicker and was not out of breath.

I have last chemo treatment today so shall see if energy level doesn't get knocked down too much.

Dan59 profile image

Thanks for posting your results Joe, I am interested in this, for reasons others have stated.

Ebay, $83 240 ml.

Sisira profile image

Congratulations! When are you going to publish the results?


I've gotten some of the BRIM but there are no instructions. I've looked all over the place and I can't get dosage info. How much and straight or mixed?

in reply to

BRIM? Oy man!!! Enjoy the root juice. Nalakrats gots the dosage for you. I do 2 ml. a day because I keep forgetting the second one. So far, so good. No more brain fog, no more extreme weakness, PSA leveled off. I'm good.


in reply to

That sounds pretty good to me. I'll be starting BRIM immediately.


Gus talks a lot. That's about it. I think he's talking about the soil product. Just guessing...


Thank you. I've just been diagnosed and I'm trying to avoid treatment though it looks like I'm headed toward external radiation. Unless this stuff knocks my PSAs way down, way fast.

OK, so my PSA dropped from 2.54 to 2.50 over 4 weeks. This is after a .2 increase monthly. The only thing I added to my diet was olives. I'm good with this so far.


I give it ten stars man. I think it's helped me in more ways than I can say, really. I feel better now than at any time in the last seven years.


I'd rather buy a boat!


I'm more a fresh water type. But, when I did get out there, it was out of South Jersey, Cape May, Ocean City...Anybody for Mackerel, ugh!


I'm told I have an intermediate risk disease, for now. I'd like to head this off at the pass if I can. Seems like there are numerous testimonials for a few "alternative" treatments that sound too good to be true. But, b4 submitting to 8 weeks of radiation, I'd like to take a shot at something a little less extreme. I've apparently got a small window of opportunity here so, if I can find something that radically lowers my PSAs, I'll be inclined to delay the "traditional" treatment awhile.

in reply to

Yo man, do not do this as a front line treatment. It will assist you, in my opinion, with cognitive skills, memory, recall, and brain fog. Do what your Uro says, and come here to see if it's cool or not.


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