Two pelvic lymph nodes, tumor burden in one, was 2.7cm, in the other it was 2.5cm. Now, one year later, with only 150mg daily of casodex monotherapy, both nodes have been reduced to 1.6cm. PSA one year ago was 105; now it is 6.7
I am thinking of adding Advodart and monitoring the two nodes with scans every six months or attack them more aggressively.
1.) Add Firmagon (More gentle on the kidneys)
2.) Radiation (IMRT or Proton)
3.) Surgery
Trying to avoid more adverse side effects to live with before death.
1998: Prostate Cancer Diagnosis, Gleason6 (3+3), PSA 7.3
1999: 72 Gray radiation to prostate and seminal vesicle (but not to pelvic lymph nodes)
2003: Cryosurgery - which led to biochemical failure in 2006
Monitored PSA every 6 months, doubling time veried between 18 and 24 months. Also, had yearly CATscans (where nothing was shown).
A year ago, PSA shot up to 105, and CATscans showed the two above mentioned lymph nodes, but on a bone scan, NO mets.
Firmagon or Lupron increase risk of cardiovascular events. Radiation causes risk to intestines and the rectum and small bowel.
Surgery Risks: General Anesthesia, Blood Clots, Infection, Heart/Stroke Attack
Please give me your opinion and questions you would ask the doctors I would be consulting.
P.S. The only supplements for Prostate Cancer I take are: Vitamin D3 (2000 IUs daily) and Lycopene (30mg a day, divided into 10mg doses with meals), Recently, without drugs, I lost 100 lbs. Being a type II diabetic, my A1C is 5.7, without drugs.
- Rich