Hot Flashes: Been on intermittent... - Advanced Prostate...

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Hot Flashes

Joeym1040 profile image
49 Replies

Been on intermittent lupron + casodex since 2011. Have hot flashes every 45 minutes, even when off treatment. Have found nothing that works. Am thinking of estrodil patch. Anyone have any experience with this?


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Joeym1040 profile image
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49 Replies
bhammel profile image

Depot Provera worked for me.

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to bhammel

i asked a couple of Dr's about this but none would do it. Any side effects?

jal1954 profile image

Megestrol Acetate worked for me.

George79 profile image
George79 in reply to jal1954

I got a message from Humana pharmacy that Megestrol had serious side effects for persons over 60. Tried to find on line without success. Talking with DR on Monday. It did relieve hot flashes

jal1954 profile image
jal1954 in reply to George79

Thank you. I also looked online without success. One thing that I did come across was that it apparently interferes with diabetes drugs. My dr has me on metformin, under the notion that "cancer loves sugar". If the Menace is negating that, that's problematic. Another topic for my next visit. I may try to wean off the Menace anyway.

George79 profile image
George79 in reply to jal1954

My hot flashes are milder now and I've been off megistrol for several weeks.

oakmont16 profile image
oakmont16 in reply to jal1954

I have been hearing good things about metformin.

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to George79

same thinkg i heard

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to jal1954

Also asked about megestrol and Dr;s also would no do it. Any side effects.

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to jal1954

I asked a copule of Dr's about this and they also did not want to do it.

Any side effects?

pcasucks profile image

Gabapentin worked for me but my doc wouldn't scrit it so lied and sad it was restless legs I needed it for but it really worked well for flashes.

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to pcasucks


Tinytim profile image

My husband has started taking Effexor and that has helped a lot.

oakmont16 profile image
oakmont16 in reply to Tinytim

Effexor works to reduce hot flashes, but has raised my blood pressure.

Tinytim profile image
Tinytim in reply to Tinytim

Very good to know. My hubbie's has also gone up recently and we thought it was something else. Will check

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to Tinytim

I have been taking effexor for about 2 years. i has reduced them somewhat, sometimes. Don't wake up every 45 mins, now about evry 2 hrs. Need something more.

DenDoc profile image

The four comments above represent the wide range of responses we all get. Gabapentin was a failure for me. Effexor works best in women and mostly thought to work to help the depression that comes with menopause.

I am on estrogen patches which were the only thing I found to reduce the hot flashes. I have been on Lupron for over 7 years. One can expect breast growth and some tenderness. I considered getting my breasts radiated before trying the estrogen but could not face the thought of radiation again so opted out. I regret that decision but it was an emotional one, not a rational one.

I have developed enough breast tissue that I swim with a swim shirt on. Other wise it is not noticeable to most people.

I am finally able to sleep through the night without hot flashes bad enough to wake me. It takes a bit to get the dosing right since each of us is different. My oncologist has lots of experience treating women with breast cancer so he is okay with it.

Dr. Richard Wassersug has published extensively on PCA treatment and has a book out. He is also a prostate cancer patient. He has been very responsive by email to individual questions. You can Google him quite easily.

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to DenDoc

Thank you so much. I am willing to do almost anything to get a nights sleep.

I had breast radiation before i started on lupron and casodex, but not sure I can do it again. Estrogen patch seems like the best option i have at this time.

Sawmill profile image

Hi Joey, I am in Canada and have been using Estradot 100 for two years. My PSA was 129 and four months later it was 0.012 and has stayed that way ever since. It has no side effects, or very few that I know of. It is the magic bullet that saved my life and I recommend it to everyone that has tried all the other hormones out there. If you wish to talk I would love to tell you my story? scoreo222

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to Sawmill

Sawmill, would love to talk to you. i will send you an email. Thanks

irwinb3 profile image

I was on the Vivelle dot patch and it did a wonderful job. Bill in Ohio

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to irwinb3

Never heard of that one. I will research. Any side effects?

irwinb3 profile image
irwinb3 in reply to Joeym1040

Not at all. Good luck.

JoelT profile image

If you want to avoid the drug route you can try acupuncture. It cut my hot flashes in half.


Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to JoelT

Tried acupuncture and Chinese herbal drinks. Nothing worked.

Hi Joey,

After six+ years, I'm on Lupron full time, and about to add Xtandi to the mix.

I've tried just about everything, meds, herbals, ice cold towels, etc. Nothing worked, or the side effects were worse than the flashes. I get hot flashes all the time. At a certain time of the month it kicks in overdrive. I pretty much decided this is the way it is. Now, about the other side effects. Do you have any? Muscle loss, boobs, getting a huge gut, no energy.

I'm going to agree with Joel, and I'm also going to seek acu treatment. Best wishes.


Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to

joe_kam, Lucky not to have any other side effects. Had radiation to breast before i started on lupron and that seemed to have worked. I was able to keep my weight under control after the first year, but now seem unable to keep it under control. If i could get rid of the hot flashes i would be satisfied.

maack1 profile image

Hello Joe, Since men on ADT experience a variety of side effects, peruse this paper on ADT Side Effects that includes considerations when experiencing hot flashes:

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to maack1

Thanks. i have followed Chuck for a long time.

johngwilk profile image

I'm on Effexor. Has cut the flashes by about 75%.

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to johngwilk

Has helped me a little but not enought.

pcasucks profile image

Interesting note my (T) level in the last six months has jumped from. .40 to 17 and I'm still getting flashes I don't get it. In us numbers I think that's like from about 14 to almost 500 give or take. it's odd how some drugs work some but not for others relating to flashes that is.

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to pcasucks

Even when I am off Lupron & Casodex for a year i still get flahes. Once it started a few months after starting treatment they have never dissapated over 5 years.

JoelT profile image
JoelT in reply to pcasucks

A testosterone level of 17 is still castrate, so it is t surprising that you are still getting hot flashes.


Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to JoelT

No one seems to have a good answer why.

pcasucks profile image
pcasucks in reply to JoelT


Here in canada they measure Testosterone in nmol/L not (ng/dl) which I believe in the states its. Ng/dl. So a T level of 17 nmol/L would be 489.9 ng/dl .

JoelT profile image
JoelT in reply to pcasucks


Thanks for pointing that out.


Rogersw profile image

I found cutting out hot drinks in coffee and tea reduced the flushes by 50%

JoelT profile image
JoelT in reply to Rogersw

Caffeine and alcohol are often promoters of hot flashes.


Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to JoelT

Have 1 cup of coffee a day, but also 1 bottle of wine with dinner. I might have to change my lifestyle. Thanks

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to Rogersw

Have 1 cup of coffee a day. Not sure that affects it.

kcartwri profile image

Low dose Effexor helps mitigate my hot flashes.

stevecthomas profile image

Joe, Effexor, normally used for depression, knocked down my hot sweats and cold chills. However it causes fatigue in my case so I use it sparingly. Clonidine is milder and also works. Use only as needed.

I tried Effexor and Magestrol Acetate, and both gave me disastrous side effects. The Magestrol was the worst, I took it for three weeks, and it took another six for the side effects to go away. It was unbearable, literally thought I was done.

I cut out the hot drinks too. One coffee in the am, and water and iced-tea all day. And, beer, I admit it.

My T is zip, my psa is 9, I have had mammograms on both sides, put on fifty pounds, and lost half of it. I have no energy, I can't get it up, I tried, a lot. Well, a couple times, anyway. I'm about to start Xtandi.

The point is, we're all different, and differently effected. Unfortunately for me, or not, I have all the side effects. I've learned to live with them, and the limits that they have put on me. I would like to work and go fishing on the weekend, but being tied to a toilet doesn't help. My best bud is 3 1/2 now, and I can't keep up. I hear, "Please, Pop-Pop"' way too often. I used to have his company three days a week, just the two of us, diapers and all. Now, it's one weekend day.

My friend recently had great news, and took an exceptionally long walk for me. Thank you, Daniel.

Peace my friends, Joe

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to

God bless you, and keep up the good fight. As bad as the hot flashes are in am very blessed, and tell my friends , family & Dr's all the time

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to

I have the same problem with the grandkids. 8 of them aged 1/2 to 10. They got so used to jump up one me when we met, i had a hard time breaking them of the habit. I'm afraid to pick them up anymore in case i fall or something. And also can not keep up with them. But i still bring my chair to all their games and really enjoy watching all the events.

Keep up the good fight, and hopefully the next treatment will be the one.

Fastf250ps profile image

I had the best suppression of hot flashes on Effexor 150 to 225 mg per day.

Joeym1040 profile image
Joeym1040 in reply to Fastf250ps

I only have ever taken 75mg....perhaps an increase would help. Thanks

tallguy2 profile image

I have not used that patch. Instead, my urologist prescribed a generic anti-depressant that suppresses about 90% of my severe sweats and hot flashes. It's venlafaxine (75-mg). Started working the same day I took it. A miracle. I'm no longer being asked if I'm having a heart attack while in public. [Be aware that this is a difficult drug to come off of if you ever decide to quit. Follow your doctor's tapering instructions.]

There are some other posts today regarding suppressing hot flashes, based on supplements. Worth a read. I didn't find that "black cohash" worked at all.

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