I’ve spent the last two years hitting burnout before I was aware what burnout was. I’ve recently been diagnosed with severe ADHD so I did what most do and hyper focused on educating myself. It’s a mass amount of stuff to grasp. A lot makes sense when I look back. I don’t have regrets from realizing it later. I think I just see a lot of positive in it. I see where the world needs ADHD people honestly.
My issues have been the meds. I’ve been on most stimulants and had bad side effects from all of them. The least side effects came from Ritalin. Was having some issues with anxiety which in turn raised my blood pressure. The other night my BP spiked to 171 over 110 with resting pulse at 142. The stimulants just don’t work well with me honestly. It’s been a whirlwind of experiences honestly. Just a really rough road to find meds that give me a bit of relief so I can start adding in a good foundation for myself.
I was just wondering if anyone else had issues with stimulants and what was there path through that. Ideally I’d like to be able to deal with it without meds but that’s not an option at the moment. Any help would be great. There’s just so much out there my brain can’t organize anything that well to move through this a bit easier. The anxiety has gotten worse and in turn has affected my PTSD which I have a decent handle on originally.