Does anyone have a good ADHD coach they can recommend? One located in NJ would be optimal but virtual sessions would be fine as well.
Does anyone have a good ADHD coach they can recommend? One located in NJ would be optimal but virtual sessions would be fine as well.
So my answer may not be what you want to hear, but in my experience and what I've seen in independent research is that ADHD coaches only work well when you have your medication settled and have seen a therapist. The reason this is true is because we are inherently resistant to coaching/direction. The medication is necessary so we can bridge those deficits in our brains. That therapy is key because we all have childhood trauma because of the time before our diagnosis. That stuff needs to be settled and we need to be in a good place in order to start taking direction and making it stick. If it's not settled, then we start getting frustrated with ourselves for not doing what's directed and then we start avoiding or dreading interacting with our coach.
Good Luck.
I had no idea that there was such a thing/person as an ADHD coach. I've never heard of that. What exactly do they do?
Hi Zilmita! An ADHD Life Coach is someone that has advanced knowledge of ADHD and has undergone specialized training to learn coaching techniques used in other coaching fields. ADHD Life Coaches typically have experience with ADHD themselves or have experiences with ADHD via a loved one. We help clients become aware of their understanding of ADHD, help them through challenges they are facing, and create actionable and practical goals to help their clients.
I am an ADHD Coach - if you would like to connect with me please email me at kdhdcoach@gmail.com
Hi Cabwest1185 -
In case this is helpful…
I’m a Certified ADHD Executive Function Coach and work with clients ranging from children to adults.
All sessions are online (via zoom) and run 45 minutes typically once a week.
I work with clients on a variety of executive function skills including organization, planning, self control, time management, flexibility, task initiation and others. Sessions are always tailored to meet the needs of each individual client.
I’m proud of my work and confident not only in my ability to find creative & strategic approaches (to help support the needs of each individual) but also to “connect” with clients (which is essential in building a rapport & for any growth to occur.)
I encourage clients to start with an “intro session” first to get to know the “process” and see if they feel it’s a good fit.
Any questions, feel free to reach out.
FYI. No pressure.
Thank you!
Hi Cabwest1185, I'm an ADHD Coach and offer virtual appointments. If you would like to set up a free consultation session, please email me at kdhdcoach@gmail.com