Now I am a woman who very, very rarely uses the word hate so when I do you know it's serious. RSD has wreaked so much havoc in my life it's not even remotely funny.
It was actually a huge part of the reason why I developed and then had such a difficult time getting delivered from Alcohol/Substance Use Disorder.
So today is the first when I get my disability check and one of my neighbors with whom I'm a little bit more close than most of the other 17 people who live in the building with the exception of two knocks on my door and wants to borrow money.
Now I already told her about 2 weeks ago that I'm not going to be able to lend any more money to anyone.
She's also someone who has a propensity for not paying back when she says she will if she ever pays back at all.
I could not afford to be giving out money nor can I afford the emotional and psychological stress of waiting to see if I ever get it back.
So what do I feel for the first good hour or so afterward of telling her 'no I'm sorry I can't help'?
Thankfully I've been studying a ton about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria over the last 3 years since I learned that I am an autistic person with ADHD so I know that that's to what it is related.
I'm afraid that she's not going to like me and not going to want to be friends with me and might say something mean and will reject me and abandon me.
So once I thought that through and realized what was going on I was able to tell myself that if somebody behaves that way it's really not a friendship but rather an acquaintanceship and not really worth having in the first place.
But it's so painful and difficult and frustrating to go through this so frequently.