I am a 68-year old woman who was diagnosed with ADD (the Inattentive Type) 23 years ago, in 2000, by a reputable psychiatrist. She quickly put me on Ritalin and I have been taking it continuously since that time.
I have done some incredible things and accomplished things I never even imagined due to having 'clarity' for the first time in my life!
At the age of 50 I went back to school, graduating magna cum laude with a BS degree. Shortly afterwards I launched my home-based, freelance writing business. I'm a technical writer as well as Certified Professional Resume Writer. It took some years but I did achieve a good deal of success.
Okay, fast forward to 2019, when I suddenly fell ill with some mysterious symptoms. I spent the better part of that year running to the ER, etc. finally to get some half-assed *(sorry) diagnoses, but I thought it was over and I'd be fine with some meds. Nope, not at all.
Since then, I've experienced a series of ongoing medical problems, bad enough to hospitalize me a few times, along with a lot of "here take this" meds.
Next we had COVID and while I didn't think it was going to affect me as I worked from home anyways, somehow, things went from bad to worse and eventually my mental health was a bigger issue than the physical stuff.
I started having bad breathing problems but now realize I think many of these episodes were panic attacks. Anyway, not much has moved forward in a positive way for me since that time and basically I'm a mess. There's always something wrong and when I think, hmmm, I feel okay now, something new and even more awful happens.
So, I'm battling both physical and mental health issues. Recently, the mental health problems have surpassed the physical matters but it's all related and horrible.
I am married, have 3 adult sons, bla bla bla.
Okay, that's the background.
Here's my #1 problem and reason I am writing. Like I said above I started taking Ritalin in 2000 and have been on it non-stop since that time. But, as you can also see it has changed my life in many positive ways.
Since I work from home and am always stressed because if I don't have clients we have no money, so I work a lot of weird and often long hours. I'm prescribed 20 mg tabs 3 times a day; however, for a lengthy period of time I was prescribe 4 due to my work schedule and hours.
All my life I've metabolized any and all medicines, antibiotics, even tylenol, etc. in a weird and fast manner. So, a 20 mg. tab does NOT last 4 hours, and I got used to taking 4 and often have to take more than 3 to work.
So, I'm always running out early and the last thing I can do is ask for an early refill. We all know how that goes! (In previous years I had a doctor who was much more reasonable and would refill them pretty much whenever needed.) Now, it's a major issue. Yeah, I get it. The drug is abused, but some of us need it!
The issue is it's not a mild inconvenience when I don't have this med in my system. It's a nightmare! I am a totally different person. I absolutely cannot function on any level. I do nothing other than watch YouTube. Even the thought of having to go out, answer a call, or do even the most minor thing on the computer is terrifying. I get totally phobic about everything. I fear everything. I can't do ANYTHING! I will literally stay on the couch all week, barely getting up to eat, and use the bathroom. Showering, nope, I can't do it. I can't do anything. It's the worst thing I've ever experienced and seems to be getting worse as time passes. After 23 years on this stuff, I guess in a way I understand, but don't understand what it is doing to my brain. Obviously, all my Serotonin or Dopamine is totally zapped, because I have no emotions other than bad.
I've had many years to deal with this and have tried everything to talk myself out of the way I feel, get up and do stuff, but I can't. I can't. Plain and simple. It's not a mind over matter thing. It's real and terrifying! I can't work and the thought of having to do anything is overwhelming and a nightmare.
I've been trying different types of vitamins and other OTC, like Steve Harvey's L'Evate You, powder, anything to try and boost my health but absolutely nothing helps!
I cannot and will not talk to my doctor or any doctor about this because the first thing they'll do is yank the Ritalin out from under me for good! There's just some things you can't rock the boat about and I know this is a big one. And it sucks!
I don't know what to do anymore, but I do know I cannot live like this. The ups and downs are unbearable, because it's not just the period when I don't have the pills, but after not having them for any amount of time, when I finally do take them, I go through that initial period of not being able to sleep and trying to get everything done NOW because who knows what tomorrow will bring! I cannot live like this anymore, and want to know 2 things. What is happening in my brain to cause this? And the big question, what can I do or take that will produce a similar effect? Is there anything OTC? I tried some things years ago and nothing really did much good. Is there any where I can buy it OTC? I am really desperate. I can't stand this anymore. I'm not me when I don't have the meds.
I realize I probably sound like a lunatic addict but really, think about it all. 23 years? Of course I've built up some kind of tolerance.
I just don't know what to do but I cannot go on like this. Someone please comment and help me.
Thank you for listening.