Hello! I wanted to introduce myself to the group. I am newly diagnosed with ADHD, and I am looking for support and resources on how to understand how ADHD has effected my life. I am also interested in tools on how to ease the stress and issues ADHD has caused in my life. I am in need of this support group, other groups, classes, advice, and coaches. Happy to be here.
New and Learning: Hello! I wanted to... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
New and Learning

Hi ADHDandblue.
I'm in the same rocky boat as you, with just having been diagnosed and finally starting to understand why I am the way I am. It's an interesting journey, but it's nice knowing there's company along for the ride on here. I've found myself feeling a bit more comfortable in life since I realised I'm not utterly alone, despite everything.
If you check my posts I put up one for ADHD resources that my specialist gave me on my completed report. Some are UK specific, but they may still offer valuable insights and help for you.
Best of luck and remember, don't be a stranger on the journey.
Thank you! I will definitely take a look at the resources you posted. I appreciate your support. 😊
We're all in it together and if we can help each other get through one more day to carry on, then we're definitely doing something right! Plus, even though I've had this condition all my life, it still feels like a new discovery.
I would link my resources post to this reply, but I'm not very tech savvy!
WELCOME! It can be overwhelming and a lot of self-judgement when you are first diagnosed (I kept saying to myself “Why didn’t my parents even look into it when my brother was diagnosed in kindergarten? Why did I get diagnosed at 38?). Some of the most fun ways to learn about my ADHD include 3 you tube channels and their corresponding books (they actually read their audiobook versions too). The channels are “How to adhd” (same book name), “The Holderness family” (Book called ADHD is awesome), and ADHD_love (book called dirty laundry).
Definitely get a counselor if you dont already. I had some bad ones in my life, and after learning I could research each provider by name, I got a list of providers with my insurance and google researched each of them, reading their specialties and synopsis. It was super beneficial. I hear ADHD coaches are a great idea, if you can afford it, since insurance doesn’t usually cover their services. I currently started DBT, and it is supposed to help me regulate emotions and communicate more effectively.
If you do go the medication route and are in the USA, I recommend getting a gene sight test (if insurance allows). It will tell you which mental health medications will have adverse side effects with your specific genetics and give you a jumping off point to narrowing the medication you should start with or try out. It will tell you for all mental health conditions, including bipolar, psychosis, anxiety and depression. It won’t tell you which medication will work with your body, but knowing which ones have more side effects was really beneficial for my family. Medications are truly helpful if you are on the right one. The wrong one can have the opposite effect, unfortunately though too. I can really tell if I am on the right anxiety medications.
Hope this helps! Zen hugs!
Thank you! All of this info is great! The YouTube channels and books will help. I’ve watched How To ADHD, but I haven’t heard of the other channels. Looking forward to checking those out. I’m wishing you the best in your journey too!