This is my first time posting (however I have read numerous posts in this community), and I am finally reaching out as I am at a loss as to what to do and would like any advice or suggestions please (apologies for the length of this post, I'm pouring out a lot of what I've been holding in). My husband is recently (within the last couple of months) diagnosed as having ADHD. His diagnosis shed light on some of his behavioral characteristics, and I am immensely grateful his therapist recognized the symptoms and we now know it is a factor in our relationship.
As soon as he received his diagnosis, I began reading anything and everything I could do try to understand ADHD, find out how I could help, etc. I've shared some articles with him, and to my knowledge he has yet to look at any of them, telling me he "is having to process being diagnosed and is taking baby steps in the process". By reading articles, I began to gain an understanding that some of what had been building up over time for me emotionally (regular bouts of crying, sadness for no apparent reason), mentally (self esteem issues, overthinking, lack of trust) and physically (stomach issues, constant fatigue) was in direct correlation to what other spouses of ADHD individuals experience. Deep down I know he loves me, but to be bluntly honest most days I feel like a burden, an obligation, and an annoyance to him.
For context, we are both in therapy - he initially started seeing his therapist for anxiety related issues, I myself for PTSD due to both my childhood and issues stemming from a previous marriage.
We butt heads routinely - his ADHD manifests as hyperfixation, inattention, distinterest, quick to anger, saying hurtful things, emotional avoidance, etc. My perception of his behavior is exacerbated by me myself having an anxious attachment style (which is related to my past trauma, and I am working to correct), and the end result is fight after fight after fight, which usually results in him disengaging with me and "putting up walls".
After a recent partuclarly emotional argument, it was like a lightbulb went on for him and he realized the impact his actions had on me, and how they made me feel, at which time he became very reticent, I could tell he was beating himself up for his behavior, and he even said "I don't know why I am like this, I've been a complete *@#$#$%*, I know it, and I can't stop it", followed with, when I asked how I could help, he said "Just don't give up". He knows he is being an absolute *#^&@$*, but can't seem to stop it in the moment, and only fully realizes it when he sees that I'm in tears and feeling beat down again (not physcially, rather emotionally and mentally). I even asked him, during that argument, point blank, if he wanted out of our marriage, and he said no, he doesn't, but it's hard for me to reconcile his answer with behavior that sometimes indicates otherwise.
I should add that for the last few months he was being treated for low T, and while on the treatment his ADHD symptoms seemed better regulated. However, he had been off the treatment for a period of about a month prior to the most recent argument, and it seemed like the ADHD symptoms were getting worse and worse leading up to that argument. As he has recently gone back on the treatment for low T, I'm starting to see improvement, so I'm not sure if there is a correlation. My therapist has told me it can indeed exacerbate ADHD symptoms.
I love my husband, and I know that he can be a kind, loving, caring, thoughtful, affectionate man - I've seen it, experienced it, and to be brutally honest I want that person that I know is in there back. I'm trying to take steps to modify my behavior (as in not nag him about things, etc, because now I know he isn't intentionally forgetting things, and I'm trying not to take it personally when he loses his temper because I know how easily he can feel overwhelmed with things, etc), but some days I just don't have the strength in me. It affects my mental and emotional health, and some days even my productivity at work.
We are going to be starting marriage counseling sessions very soon (we both see the same therapist, so he will be taking us on as a couple in the very near future) and I'm hoping having a third party (who he himself has ADHD as well as PTSD so he has an understanding of each of our persepctives) will help us find a middle ground to move forward with our marriage.
In the meantime, I welcome any advice, suggestions, thoughts, ideas, tips etc on how I can be a better partner, not take things so personally (which I will fully admit I continue to struggle with) and any other support anyone is willing to offer. Even just having been reading that I am not alone in this has helped me, but I know I have a long way to go. Thank you.