So, a couple of weeks ago, hit a deer. My car was already beaten up, having been in at least two accidents.
I've been trying to get a car loan since then. I have bad credit, and had to rent a car for several days to get to work.
I went to a credit union to talk about getting a loan, but they only offer loans to members. So, I opened an account. The loan officer ran my credit report, and said that I had to make arrangements on a couple of defaulted accounts, then he could talk with me. So, a week later, after I've made a payment and arranged monthly payments, I call him up to make an appointment to apply for a loan. He says he can't help me, and to come back in six months after making payments. (One creditor will be paid off in 4, the other in 5.)
I called the car dealer, they said that they can help me apply to multiple lenders at once, but I have to be able to pay 10-15% as a down payment. The money that I could have had for a down payment went to rent a car six days out of the last 2 weeks. I have no money left for a down payment.
I tried online sites, and again, they dangle the possibility of a loan ("you're pre-approved by lenders A and B, just X% down").
It seems there's no help for me to get a car. I can do some parts of my work remotely, but other parts require that I be on-site at work. If I can't get to work reliably, I am afraid of losing my job.
I tried going to the DMV on my lunch break to finally get my New York driver's license, before I had to return the rental car. It took most of the afternoon, especially because I had to return home for more things to prove who I am and where I live.