Disability: I am on a 1 month leave... - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Bangtan profile image
5 Replies

I am on a 1 month leave from work and I'm considering all of my return-to-work options. I've been looking for other jobs but with social anxiety and ADHD, finding something that doesn't freak me out is hard. Has anyone had to file disability due to the ADHD diagnosis? I'm afraid of what to do if I can't find/hold a job.

Thanks all.

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5 Replies
BlessedLady profile image

Do you see a psychiatrist regularly for your impairments ? You must prove you cannot perform SGA working jobs in the national economy. You will need more than a diagnosis of ADHD. Working being difficult is not the same as not being able to work. Do you have enough work credits for SSDI ? If not do you meet the financial requirements for SSI ? The medical requirements are the same for SSDI and SSI.

wtfadhd profile image

hey Bangtan,

i took short term disability from work for 3 months n then quit. my agency paid me the whole time using my STD benefit. My PNP( psychiatric nurse practitioner) justified my leave by stating my diagnosis which is ADHD only and stated that my regular job functions were exacerbating my ADHD symptoms n drowning my ADHD super powers that typically led to great job performance. im a social worker by degree and at that time i was in role of a drug n alcohol counselor. so yea, i have definitely had to file short term disability thru my employer. if u work for a workplace that offers STD its super easy to use the benefit bc per HIPPA law- the medical provider taking you off work does not have to make a huge moral argument n tell them your personal mental health story, its very awesome like that.

however, from my 20 plus years in social work i can tell you that its almost impossible for my clients to get approved for SSI or SSDI for any type of mental health disgnosis ( even schitzophrenia) if they have held a job consistently in the last 3 years. its this antiquated messed up law. physical disabiliries are way different. im speaking to SSI/ SSDI for strictly mental health. so a person has to be unemployed 3 years prior to and applying for SSI / SSDI and remain unemployed during the application review process n usually the person is denied at least 2 times during the process n must appeal. soooo, folks either have to be willing to live in streets, or lucky enough to have family, or friends to float them for a few years n maybe a good side hustle to supplement the charity of those financially supporting ya.

and even if u get approved- SSI/SSDI benefits are SO low that u end up living a live of poverty anyway so is it worth it? or would a job more suited for your adhd symptoms n personality be a better option? thats something to consider.

ps- i dont like the system, nor agree with it, im just simply telling you how it works bc ive been in the field of social work so long and am required to understand the system.


Bangtan profile image
Bangtan in reply to wtfadhd

Thank you for these replies! This is all great information. I was doing well, almost up for promotion, then the social anxiety, depression, and ADHD decided to show up at the party together and wreak havoc. I went to my psychiatrist and she said that I immediately needed to go on FMLA. That's where I am now. It's the beginning but I want to hear other stories about what people did during their time away, did any have to go on short/long term disability, etc. As for a job, I cannot think of a job I can hold that wouldn't be detrimental to my mental health. I've been writing needs/wants and pros/cons to see if there is anything that would be a decent fit.

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to Bangtan

when i was on STD i used that time to get real honest n raw with myself. painful reflection per say. that is when i personally had the epiphany that i was no longer going to try n fail at every adhd life hack aimed to make me appear more neurotypical! i considered my amazing qualities n characteristics n values. it was very empowering. i also considered the areas that i was insecure, n kinda toxic in ( very difficult). and i started managing my adhd from that lens. i changed my perspective- 180 degree. it was gritty. i learned to start to work from what adhd traits were gonna work in my favor whatever job or situation i ended up in life. i didnt focus on finding the perfect employment opportunity or perfect workplace to function at 40 hrs a week n pay taxes to, lol does that make sense?

it was actually a post on this exact adhd forum that i read n was SO inspired that worked as my fuel.

i cut n pasted it- its my mantra. i have no clue who posted it or if that person still engages in this forum. in all honestly, this group often grates on my nerves bc people respond to others with crap like: you “ need” to see a counselor or psychologist or you “ should” get therapy. i personally find that type of advice annoying. i AM a counselor and counseling is not the end all be all folks. its just not. im sorry. no offense to my own field of work, but … lol.

so, with that said- after this post im going to cut n paste the mantra/ post that inspired me to start carving out a life that worked for my adhd vs trying to fit my adhd into the worlds terms. this led to my current career as a suicide prevention crisis counselor…… stand by, im going to look for the post.

wtfadhd profile image
wtfadhd in reply to wtfadhd

ok, i suck bc i realized that i hand copied that post vs just saving it- fuuuuuuuuk. thats adhd tax at its finest. im going to look more, i would think its unlikely that i deleted it 100 % n only have my handwritten copy but then again i never under estimate how impulsive i can be. i HATE junk laying around my house, taking up needless space anywhere, even on my computer etc. lol i throw everything away if i havent used it in 1 week, lol . im the opposite of the stereotypical adhd person who struggles with clutter. 😂😂😂 but im gonna continue to look for it. i suck! good luck during your FLMA respite- u got this❤️

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