Where do people go to get help for ADD? I know of two ADD places, one won't help me, and the other is useless. Just look up psychiatrist in the yellow pages? Where do I go, what can I do ? It would be nice some time to actually get help for my biggest problem in life, rather than simply endure it as best I can until I die. Thanks
Where does one go for help with this ... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Where does one go for help with this crap?

Unfortunately, you have to see different providers. When you are looking for providers that treat ADHD, psychiatrists come up. That does not mean the psychiatrists that comes up specialize in ADHD. Treating a disorder and specializing in it are two different things. Psychiatrists treat with medications. You need a psychologist or counselor that specializes in ADHD. If you want more than medication. Usually medication is prescribed by a psychiatrist or primary care doctor. Others providers can advice of ways to cope with ADHD daily. You can call and ask but that does not mean you will get the information you are looking for. The only way to find a provider that specializes in the treatment of ADHD is to see them for a while.
Your profile says that you are in the US. If you have a health care plan, then you can check with the plan for care providers that are covered.
If you have a regular doctor, either they can assess you got ADHD, or they can make a referral for you to see a psychiatrist or other specialist.
I was diagnosed and first treated by a licensed mental health counselor. I was also diagnosed by my doctor, who had me fill out a computer survey, and he scored the results.
(He also made a referral to a psychiatrist, but that was during the first year of COVID, and the psychiatrist was booked solid 6 months out. I ended up changing jobs, and thus changing medical plans and doctors, before I ever got an appointment scheduled with the psychiatrist.)
If you know anyone local to you who has ADHD, then you can ask them who they go to.
Yes you google in your area.
I’d start with a PCP who takes your insurance (doctor, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner in family medicine or internal medicine). But definitely ask how comfortable and experienced they are managing adult ADHD. They may have a PCP colleague they can recommend who treats many adults with ADHD. If you are lucky enough to find a PCP who will manage it, awesome. Otherwise I’d quickly move on to a psychiatrist who takes your insurance. Most psychiatrists are familiar with ADHD and comfortable treating it. If you can’t find one on your insurance you are happy with, then you’re looking at expensive psychiatrists who generally don’t take any insurance. If you have Medicaid, I would look for a community mental health center for a psychiatrist if you don’t have success finding a PCP for treatment. Best wishes and I hope you find relief.
Go to Psychology today and check out profiles.
My son saw a psychiatrist for meds, then a therapist that did DBT therpy. I'd say the therapy really helped with his anger and impulsivness.
One big thing I can take from all the years is watch the medication prescribed. If you are on one and you have ANY side effects from it like anxiety, don't have a doctor also give you a medication for anxiety also. Try a different ADHD med. My son had anxiety, and got on a med, then he had anger and got on another med. It kept building and one day he had a manic episode, we had to call police to take him to the ER- 20 hrs later (still in the ER) he ended up with 2 felonies. As soon as he was admitted onto the psych floor the first thing they did was take him off the adderal and 2 other meds. That was after being on them about 5-6 years.
Looking back I never read the inserts given with perscriptions and anger/viloence can happen to some on adderal. I'm not saying it isn't a great medication- just some people can't take it. Even with the genesight testing.
He's been off all meds but one we are slowly weaning him off for a year and doing well.
Good luck finding someone to help!
All doctors receive a little training in mental health issues. What you need is someone that has experience in treating ADHD in adults. Some providers say they have experience. By that they mean they have written prescriptions for patients with ADHD. Often writing prescriptions is not enough. You need a provider who can help you find ways of managing your ADHD and the impact it has on your daily life.
I’ve had the most success with ADHD coaches.
Try Psychology Today. You can search for different Mental Health providers and organizations. If you feel really stressed, call 988, The Suicide Hotline in the US and they may be able to refer you.
This website has providers based on country and state. There’s also a picture and general information about their practice.
agreed with the advice above. If you’re in a smaller or rural town telehealth might be a good option.
There are some sites that utilize nurse practitioners for medication management and only charge a copay through your insurance. Usually there is a filter by specialty or diagnosis to choose “ADHD”
This one is an example but only covers a few states and insurances joinlavender.com
I haven’t tried this one but see it advertised online associated with ADHD: talkiatry.com
In addition to searching for a medical provider on psychologytoday.com
There are:
Zoc Doc
good luck! It’s a job at first to find the right team of providers but worth the effort. Once you have the right support you’ll feel less tormented less often.
Unsolicited advice: be extra kind to the people you are calling and trying to book appointments with. Even if they can’t book you right away or have the right match for you kindly ask if they have any recommendations and referrals. If you upset them they can make the search and wait times that much harder.
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check them out. I know what you mean about being nice to places, that is difficult sometimes. There are two places I know of in my state, one is called "The Haffey Center" - totally useless. Their outgoing message says "we ARE currently accepting new patients" and they never call you back, and the other, the Hallowell Center, has this lady to prescribe meds for you who just like throws different meds at you and always increases the dosage, whether or not it's working for you, till it becomes a mess, like a legal drug pusher. I felt like a guinea pig. "Why do I have to try this and that and see if it works if a small amount of this other thing is already working for me?" Not sure if she gets commissions from how much meds she prescribes or what, but it didn't work for me. Long story short, I've prob burned my bridges with both places. It starts to seem like a business money making grift on their end, even though I know ADD is very real
Depending on your location, serenity mental health. They also do testing. Also your health insurance should provide a list of mental health professionals. The upside is mental health has become front and center in the US, so chances are more services will be covered. I hope this helps.
Hello, Tormented555,
Thank you for contacting CHADD's National Resource Center on ADHD. Finding a professional doctor that can test for ADHD can be stressful. Our first recommendation would be to contact your primary physician or call your insurance company to obtain a list of doctors that test and treat ADHD. Here are other resources that could help you during your process of finding someone to evaluate you for ADHD. chadd.org/professional-dire...
If you have further questions, please let us know. We are here to help!
Health Information Specialist
CHADD’s National Resource Center on ADHD