i was diagnosed with adhd 12 years ago, I thought it a fluke and ignored it, until now. I'm now on my 8 job and about to be fired again because I'm not retaining the information and paying attention to detail. I'm a revenue analyst and I love this company. I can do this, but what is wrong with me? This is causing severe depression and anxiety because I don't want to loose my house.i don't know where to go for help, is there anything that protects my job while I get help and medication. Please help! ! I'm in a bad spot and don't know where go.
dont know where to start: i was... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
dont know where to start

idk if this would apply to you, you’d have to look into it, and I’m assuming you’re in the US, but it’s called FMLA. I took it for medical leave, and it covers up to 12 weeks leave. A doctor would have to sign off on it. It protects you from losing your job.
Like I said, you’d have to see if it applies to you.
I hope you find a solution. ADHD sucks.
Also, if you get an official diagnosis, you can go to HR and say you have a disability that's impacting your work and ask for reasonable accommodations + the FMLA time to get on meds. that work for you.
in NY FMLA is only effective if you’ve worked 12 months . If so you could use intermittent FMLA which allows you take days intermittently throughout the year without it counting against your attendance. However if you start seeing a psych provider to address your ADHD some can fill out a form for accommodations to be provided to HR for your ADHD.
Then disclosing you have a disability and asking for accommodations are a good way to go.
Hi Lindseu3,
My computer is acting out when I try using punctuation other than the dot. I see several factors in the mix. sleep? are you getting enough? lack of it leads to decreased cognition. retaining info and focus.
Anxiety and depression also contribute, Meditation and relaxation can help with anxiety and stress, more factors which contribute.
Medication certainly helps a lot in these areas also, but it may take a while to get the right medication mixture.
I don't know what a review analyst does, but it sounds like a very focused work, youre probably using hyper focus, an ADHD trait. The fact you love the company tells me you are willing to work at it and are interested in succeeding.
Good Luck
goto HR tomorrow at sunrise. Explain this. Then call everywhere that does ADHD screenings and start with soonest intake until properly treated and medicated. Careful mentioning the anxiety and depression. Some docs try to say it’s that causing the adhd, not the other way around. Your lack of focus at work due to ADHD is Causing anxiety as a (common) side we all know too well
Seriously good luck
Hi Lindseu,
I agree with everyone saying you need to work with medical professionals to take advantage of some HR benefits for ADHD diagnosis. But here are a few other things to help out:
• Smart Notes by Somme Ahren (it’s a great way to externalization our knowledge and take advantage of our creativity probably more of a career growth option but still a terrific book for ADHD)
• Bullet Journal by Ryder Carroll (created by a person with adhd for people with adhd. Simple, effective, and flexible)(this will really help with bandwidth which will make you more mentally flexible and able to handle emotions and do your job by externalizing what’s in your head)
• bigger pockets.com (great place for house information, this could help with expenses and home ownership knowledge)
• financial mentor by Todd tressider (best place I’ve found for financial education, this isn’t for your job but personal finance)
I wish I could give you something that you could do tomorrow to secure your job. But leveraging the medical industry to help with your HR department is going to be your best move. The rest of what I’ve mentioned should help with your ADHD for the day to day. Always here to talk if you want to. Wishing you the best!
Brian Weber
thank you somuch for the information. I will look all this. I do struggle with irganizing my notes for work. . I have so meetings . I appreciate the help everyone is suggesting. I have an appt with a psychiatrist next week.
My pleasure. Another set of books I’ve found very relatable and educational for ADHD are:
• Mindset by Carol Dweck (Mindset is so huge to how we with ADHD interact with the world and it can be the difference between anger versus happiness and suffering versus growth)
• How Emotions Are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett (This one holds a special place in my life because it really showed me that we as humans have a lot more control over our emotions than we thought. It really shows that emotions aren’t created by our executive functions and this is supported by a lot of scientific studies. This is so exciting because this really gave me a sense of control when it came to my emotions. I’m still trying to find a good externalizing technique for this theory but also highly recommended as emotions are such a huge part of ADHD. This also goes hand in hand with the Taking Smart Notes book. The mind is made for thinking so using an external medium like a note book helps us leverage the best of both our minds and the notebook. When our minds perceive emotions it uses our bodies as the external medium to interact with the world. The body is the minds feedback loop. And I’m that spirit Lisa gives us one of the best scientifically backed reasons to regularly exercise, eat right, sleep well and take care of ourselves.)
But I digress. All of these I know will give you a sense of control over your life and as time goes by and you’re persistent in applying these concepts. You’ll be better equipped than most neurotypicals!