Are there scholarships for people that had undiagnosed ADHD while they were in school or college that are now looking to go back to school? I would love to re-take some of the college courses that I didn't do so well in to help me move beyond where I am now in my career.
I skirted by in college - a combination of masking, pulling quite a few all-nighters, work that only showed half of the ideas/thoughts/images that were in my head but couldn't make it onto paper at all - or on time, etc., and I hate that I wasn't able to take full advantage of my college education.
I am now almost 10 years into being diagnosed, treated with medication, CBT, and A LOT of self-reflection - and forgiveness. I "get" myself much more. I have a better idea of how I learn, how to get things done and what excites me.
Are there any financial resources for people like me? Is there no rich billionaire with ADHD that went through the same thing that now wants to help others like him/her? 😆🙏