I was on ritalin a few years back and a friend told me that it made me very boring. I ended up going off of it for unrelated reasons, but I was wondering if others had the same experience and if their personality returned to normal over time.
Personality changes with medicine - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Personality changes with medicine

i dont have any personal experience with ritalin in particular but my ex bf had tried numerous medications. he told me of one that made him into a total zombie. i would evaluate whether you or your friend tie symptoms of neurodivergence into 'personality'. i also have a really hard time distinguishing how much of a mental disorder is a part of what makes me interesting and unique and how much was a facade over my true self..
That's a curious way of looking at it. I think aspects of the disease process have been integrated in my personality over time as I've accepted them as part of myself. Maybe energy and enthusiastically suggesting a random fun thing to do off the top of my head is ADHD and not the "true me", but I'd rather not lose it. I'd like to reach a midway point between being able to function in school and a loss of my accepted identity.
With my unfortunate experience of having to go cold turkey off one of my meds, please don't do this, if U take any other meds. There R other meds for ADHD such as Strattera and
Adderal. I think it might be wise to consult with your doctor again. It is also possible that U
were prescribed to large a dosage of Ritalin. The important thing is to have balance in your life.
I've already been off for some time, but am going back to my doctor. I'm unsure what would be a better alternative. I've tried Strattera and it made me mean, so that's a no go.
I understand. That’s why I’m on only on
25 MG of generic Strattera. When my
therapist upped my dosage to 50 MG
I felt that I was about to jump out of my
skin. That’s why I’m back to
25 MG. Have U ever tried Adderall ?
Good luck 👍🍀 M
Way back I did, but I think I had an unrealistic expectation of what it would do for me, so I moved off of it
Maybe U should discuss with your new therapist the unrealistic expectations you had of Adderall..There R other things that can help U such as cognitive therapy.
It has helped me in many ways to rein myself in. Also meditation, try closing your
eyes obviously lying down and visualize a fond memory U have or visualize a peaceful place where U would like to be or turn on music U like Sometimes if I feel like dancing around my apartment I turn on the gap band or James Brown. If I want to
feel peaceful I listen to Andrea Bocelli sing Besame mucho in Spanish. Whatever works 4 U.
I take adderall, when I was younger my dose was super high because it had to be, and it made me SO MEAN. Looking back, I was an enormous jerk to people. I lowered my dose in my twenties and got with a therapist to teach me behavior mods to make it work and I'm so much nicer to people now. I wonder how much better I might have done as a kid if I hadn't had my aggression all amped up by a high dose of meds.
I was a bit of a mean kid too, but it was before I was on meds. I think it was a bad defense mechanism because my attention span was so poor I barely knew what was going on and I lashed out because I assumed everyone was making fun of me.
Great explanation for why i was such a terribly mean kid. Im a super nice person in my 40’s now that i am diagnosed n medicated. I have often wondered what caused me to be such a bully. But yea, what u said sticks- i literally could not follow what was going on in HS! Thx for the post! I feel alot better now.
I took Ritalin for several years and had to be taken off when I was about 15 because it was causing me to become incredibly aggressive. 15 more years of self medicating (caffeine and alcohol in unhealthy volumes at different times) and I tried Straterra around the time I turned 30. My wife described the nearly overnight (within a week of starting) personality change as shocking and aggressive so that experiment ended quickly.
Turned back to self-medicating with caffeine (mostly backed off of alcohol in mid 20’s). Would LOVE to find a medicinal option that would work... Quite frankly I would take boring...
According to my parents and wife the personality change back to normal took a few days once off the meds; not really consciously aware of it myself (I assume the same for you as you were told that it made you boring)
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