Has anyone noticed that there is less therapy benefits if ADHD is untreated? I notice that if ADHD is untreated and I do not have access to my medicine I have difficulty getting access to my memories and the work that I’ve already put in. Therapy is like quick sand for me if ADHD is untreated. I am more stuck than ever before. If treated I experience psychological and emotional relief and am not exhausted by the thought of therapy or the session itself.
Medicine Treatment and ADHDTherapeuti... - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Medicine Treatment and ADHDTherapeutic Benefit
I feel more clear headed without using meds personally.
I learned a lot of counseling techniques, but consistently putting them in practice was hard until I got medicated. I am quite forgetful of things without my meds like you are discussing.
Routine is difficult for me without medicine. If I develop a routine with medicine it can be disrupted if there is a problem or supply issue. I easily set sail with a new wind or any changes in the environment. If medicated I am firm and less a sailboat setting sail to various winds with alternative routes or destinations. If medicated I am a strong deep rooted tree that is planted firmly in the ground. I experience benefits off and on medicine. It is dependent on the environment or setting and what may be expected or needed from me. Mindfulness activities are a benefit. Even if only to notice what is occurring for self-awareness.
I think my cptsd actually offsets this routine issue. My partner also has ADHD so I see the same issue with him though.
I go one day a week without my meds. On those days everything is harder including using the things I learned in counseling, but I need have a day without meds.
I benefit from a day or weekend off medicine too. I removed caffeinated coffee and only drink decaf now. I have a cup of caffeinated coffee . Before the ADHD was treated I drank 3 pots of coffee a day and smoked cigarettes. Since treated I don’t need the nicotine and caffeine to focus and concentrate or stay on task. In hindsight it is hard for me to see myself dependent on nicotine and caffeine to compensate for the attention and distraction difficulties and to function.