I discovered a little kid I was diagnosed with ADHD. I also was near being a mute, I was taken to therapy and I began talking. But I had a huge stuttering issue. I went to therapy for this as well. But anyways I was told I had adhd by my mom. As a kid I had no idea what it was, and my mom was limited in resources because we were really poor in PR. So nothing was really done. I've struggled in so many things and was always the black sheep. School was rough, family relationship was like understanding time travel, and I was easily depressed. I've beat myself down my whole life. I never once processed I had adhd because I was unaware what it meant. So in my head it didn't mean anything, and had never any reason to think about it. But years passed by and I have really bad impulsive issues, 150% worse when it comes to money. I have so much debt. Even with a good job I'm living check to check, when any other person would have savings, no debt and money skills with my job in their hands.
2 moths ago I watched a channel purely by chance called How to ADHD. I connected so deeply with her videos.. Click after click after click of realizations.. Now I've watched videos, read articles, and listened to podcast..
But I keep having something naw at me..
I feel lazy and defeated almost always.
I still don't know where to start, or how, or what to do.. I feel like a sheep who needs a shepherd or I'm lost. But I want to work for myself, find a passion, develop my self..
But for the love of all that is my brain, what do I dooooo.???