How can I be prescribed Adderall? - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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How can I be prescribed Adderall?

JimWalter profile image
6 Replies

Hello All,

I believe I have a hardcore ADHD, I'm 28 now, and totally convinced I have ADHD, don't want to give you an impression that I have jumped to this conclusion with online articles and watching videos, but my problem exists since I was a child.

I always had ADHD but not been clinically diagnosed because the place where I came from there are only two kinds of people, smart ones and the dumb ones, most people thought I am the latter. But I was always very curious and ambitious in nature, I guess that's the reason I am here where I am. In spite of all the constant struggles, failures, and difficulties, I mean common, everyone has them, what so big of a deal? the big deal is no one believed in me when I was growing (not even me). I saw a lot of people getting appraisals, and encouragement at some point in their life. I never did from anyone, yet I am doing good (with difficulty) than my peers (normal people).

I am a very mature person now who can deal with my ADHD and have learned to deal with things in my own way, developed a different set of skills to overcome challenges, slowly steering my way to grow up the ladder. I have difficulty remembering things, a hard time making choices, insecurity, low self-esteem, flickering mid, bad comprehending skills, bad humor, isolated lifestyle, and more.

In conclusion, I am looking for a place where I can be prescribed Adderall, I never tried this drug, but want to check and see if it would make any difference in my life, I can live without it. But am very curious to know how different it would be and might potentially curing my ADHD? so please let me know what is the best place where I can get the job done with less effort. Also, I would like to go anonymous, I am very worried it might impact my employment.

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6 Replies

I don’t take Adderall, but I recommend talking to your doctor about it. They’ll be able to decide what would work for you. My ADHD meds really help me, they don’t take away my ADHD, but it’s much more manageable. But that’s just me, I can’t speak for you or anyone else. Welcome to the group, and good luck on your journey.

RCJH8610 profile image

Hello and welcome! I have never taken Adderall, but I was prescribed a stimulant that changed my life in such a positive way. I was not formally diagnosed until the age of 29. I also struggled academically growing up and had to work much harder than my peers to keep up. I was able to compensate as a child and adolescent, but as I got older... it was harder for me to focus and it effected all aspects of my life. The first day I took the stimulant prescribed to me it was like my brain was wearing glasses... I was able to think clearly... that’s the best way I could describe it. I had NO IDEA just how bad my ADHD was all my life until that first day. It has improved all aspects of my life (professional and personal). The first step is getting the diagnosis and then working with your doctor to find what works best for you. Medication is by no means a “cure all”... many things can trigger heightened ADHD symptoms such as trouble sleeping/disrupted sleep, diet (sugar, caffeine, and some dyes used in processed foods can intensify symptoms), exercise, stress level (sudden changes, emotional trauma or event, deadlines)... so medication is VERY helpful but effective treatment of ADHD is a combination of diet/exercise, therapy or counseling (such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), good/consistent sleep schedule and medication. Good luck on your journey. ❤️

JimWalter profile image
JimWalter in reply to RCJH8610

Thank you so much for responding, RCJH8610. You seem to be closely related to my problem since you got diagnosed at 29.

Can I know if you consulted a Psychiatrist or an ADHD specialist?

Secondly, does CBT really help? I mean, I am already dealing with day-to-day problems anyways, seem like my brain is hardwired to react to things and tackle them in its own way. I was thinking CBT is for children? please tell me if I am wrong? and how much it contributed to help?

RCJH8610 profile image
RCJH8610 in reply to JimWalter

I consulted a Psychiatrist that specializes in ADHD. I gave them a run down of my”history” and filled out a questionnaire. CBT can be helpful at any age. I could probably benefit from it myself, but I just don’t have the time due to work and life... but it absolutely can be helpful! Medication really was the driving force for me.

Mom3maitri profile image

A neurologist with ADHD specialty can prescribe

Birdwatcher19 profile image

Seek out a psychiatrist. They can diagnose you and prescribe medication. You can ask your PCP for a referral or contact your insurance for a list of in-network providers. Your visit and diagnosis is confidential and protected by privacy laws (HIPAA in the U.S.), so your employer would not know unless you disclosed it yourself. Technically speaking, the insurance company would have a record of it, so if you truly wanted to be anonymous, you’d have to go the private pay route. Good luck!

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