I have two sons, 8 and 10. They are great, most of the time--just being honest!! Anyway, when I was laid off for Covid I dove into projects that my hubby and I have needed and wanted done for a long time. I am the visionary, mastermind, and fix-it-person in our house. I'm, serious! If it was up to my hubby we'd still have shag carpet, wall board everywhere, and green/brown countertops. Goodness don't make me describe the rest....ugg.
To my question, when off work, I bought paint to paint our 1970's stone up half way arround the house with ceader planks on top that were painted DARRRK BROWN!! house exterior. It took me, with a little help form others, two weeks to paint the outside. It looks terrific. But then I heard my 10y/o telling his friend that I don't even talk to him or make him lunches because I am so FIXATED on my project. Heck most time, when I'm "in the zone", I forget to go to the bathroom or eat. BTW I honestly lost 20lbs!! nice diet plan? ummm no So I feel terrible because I was in the middle of remodeling my camper. Because if you thought my son's comment stopped me, you'd be wrong.
Am I a terrible Mom? If my hubby is working on things the kids are with him and they never leave his side. With me they come and go and I don't pressure them to stay if they don't want to. My camper looks amazing and the floor is not sagging and stinking any more.
I love how my mind works, I am who I am...my kids will survive right?
Thank you,