Like my bio says, I was treated for depression for 25 years at least and they didn't work. I finally asked my prescriber for a medication to get me through the holidays and make me feel uplifted for a change. She prescribed Adderall and my life has never been the same. It was like I was finally alive, vibrant, boldly doing things I'd never thought to do.
I asked for testing and had to wait a couple years but finally found someone who tested for adult ADHD. Now I'm tried to find a prescriber but have run up against the problem of prescribers not believing the results of the tests. I live in a smaller city and that's been a detriment for a 70 year old diagnosed with ADHD. Just the pure fact of one medication working (Adderall) and another not working for me (anti-depressants) doesn't seem to be enough proof.
My current prescriber, who I have to leave, keeps talking about mood disorders. He wouldn't even read the whole report telling of my diagnosis from the doctor.
I need to find someone that I don't have to convince I have ADHD. It's really a sad state of affairs when prescribers think they know more than my test results.
My worst problem is depression right now. I can't tell the prescriber the extent of my problems because he keeps bringing up mood disorder medications for everything. Are you sure you don't have bipolar disorder, he wants to know. I think I would know that after all these years and no one else mentioning it.
I started taking guanfacine for mood dysregulation but I think it made me feel depressed and I have short term memory problems with it. I need medication for ADHD, depression and stress. Anyone have a good combo that works for them?