Is anybody aware of a buddy system or group chat for people with ADHD?
I find lots of good advice on this and many other online sources, but sometimes I feel the need to bounce a question or thought to someone else who may be in or have lived a similar situation. Calling a neurotypical friend or a loved one sometimes helps, but often they don’t seem to understand where the question or comment is coming from, so their reactions or feedback (although well intended) may feel dismissive, rejecting or hurtful (Just do it! Stop finding excuses! That’s simple to figure out! etc.)
I realize there are blogs, but I see the responses or comments often take a long time to build up, and we are now in a time where WhatsApp and other chat channels seem to be more appropriate for timely sharing (although I recognize that the constant source of distraction may not be the best for ADHDers ☺️, but it’s not like there aren’t plenty of other distractions anyway).
Thank you in advance for your comments.
ADHDer trying to make the most of it