Looking for ADHD coaches input - CHADD's Adult ADH...

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Looking for ADHD coaches input

7 Replies

Hi, I am asking for ADHD coaches input for me. It's something I want to do , but have some questions I hope someone will be kind enough to answer. Please message me. Thank you

7 Replies
MarylouDevery profile image

What are your questions? Maybe I can help. I am a coach.

Challenged profile image
Challenged in reply to MarylouDevery

What can an adhd coach do for an unorganized, overwhelmed, hardworking, 49 y/o woman with EF issues and a adhd husband and adhd 10 yo!!!!! I may need to hire one. I M going insane.

Alchemy19 profile image
Alchemy19 in reply to Challenged

Hi. I know that overwhelmed and it’s exhausting. I was diagnosed in my 50’s with a ADHD kid and a undiagnosed partner. Crazy! Coaching helps you to take control of the overwhelm and understanding how the ADHD weaves it’s way through you life. I’m a coach now and it’s transformative.

I am a coach as well. I will send you a PM.

Challenged profile image
Challenged in reply to

I have some questions as to what a coach can help me with. I just don’t know what they can do. I have serious Ex functioning issues, organizational, procrastination, plus have issues with husband and daughter both have adhd. I am loosing my mind. Need some direction.

in reply to Challenged

Hi Challenged,

There is always a reason behind the behavior. A Coach can help you understand what that reason is so you can create a strategy to be better at that task. The goal is to find a strategy that works for you and is easy to implement. A coach can help with your family as well. Utlizing each others strengths will be beneficial to all. A coach can only help you if you are ready to look at things differently and try new things. Does that help? Please PM me if you want to chat.

Additionally, knowledge is power. There is a fantastic online web "Palooza" going on this week for women. Here's the link: adhdpalooza.com/women/. You have to register but it can be free. There are purchase options but you don't have to. I HIGHLY encourage you to check it out.

in reply to

Not to be a jerk , but it all sounds like you are in the minor leagues and have no idea how severe ADHD impacts or ruins your life slowly with daily frustration. Thats what I am getting at I need no classes but could be more beneficial than a PHD. You all sound like your in the shallow end of the pool I can help a lot of people you can not because you have never seen ADHD like this before. I was under study for years because I was very , very intelligent ,but a nightmare from the day I was brought home.I don't need any ADHD input I am looking for the angle to coach. How do you obtain clients? I have questions about all the logistics. MovingForwardADHD you couldn't be more wrong I did things I had 0 control over like sleeping three hours to this very day even put me on GHB nothing a night you name it my entire life isn't behavior by far based in true ADHD os not.I have nearly forty years of dealing with it and seeing the best specialists in the country. You need to know before you speak sir. Anyone that can help me logistically paid even would be of tremendous importance. These ADHD coaches are primarily babysitters and don't have 37 years of this hell I say 37 because I was diagnosed in 1983. You can't be a samurai you first need to swing a dword. I need the clients that are true ADHD very energetic and reckless prone to drug abuse and death.Yet they talk to lames who's treatments is right on the net. Learning how to organize and get the hell up is easily self taught . Research don't pay for it. People need help so if anyone knows the logistics I'd appreciate it immensely. Thank you

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