I'm not sure is 'self-consciousness' is the right word for it, you know that thing when you remember something embarrassing you did 5 years ago and you feel bad about it all over again? Well, I've been getting that more and more recently, I always remember a time that I said something impulsive or embarrassing and before I realise it, I'm swearing out loud at myself or feel the urge to punch myself, my heart rate picks up, and my mind is just flooded with a lot of self-hate. I know that this isn't healthy, I've been having similar reactions (to a lesser extent) when a fictional character does something embarrassing.
I'm in a bit of a stressful time at the moment - on the verge of my final year and am meant to be using my time to study and prepare for it. I haven't been, I've been procrastinating instead and now get super anxious whenever I think about it.
I've gone through periods of time where this kind of thing happened a lot, and it always seems to happen when I haven't really seen or interacted with any of my friends for a while.
I'm wondering if I might have anxiety as well as ADHD or whether this kind of thing is normal for ADHD and whether anyone has experienced this or knows how to deal with it.