I don't know if this has anything to do with ADHD or not. I've never read anything linking it but does anyone else have a hard time controlling emotions, especially crying. I can be talking to someone about something that isn't even really sad and I start tearing up. This can be so embarrassing. I'm thinking of trying some kind of hypnosis thing to see if that helps. No other emotions are out of whack for me, just crying. The Dr. has put me on antidepressants but they don't help and I don't feel depressed.
Is crying connected to ADHD? - CHADD's Adult ADH...
Is crying connected to ADHD?



Yes, many people with ADD have strong emotional response. I do not have citations but if you do a search for ADHD + emotional regulation there will be lots of information available. I have always thought this did not apply in my case but after reading your post I remembered that while I am generally not very emotional personally, I cry at almost any movie. This is particularly embarrassing being 6'4" 290lb male.
This happens to me a lot these days. Songs are what trigger me most. That said, I’ve had a rough couple years with a huge job I loved but became too much at which time I was diagnosed. It’s taken me a while to understand and I still have a long way to go. Then, got fired from a horrible job (toxic workplace place)on top of single parenting and life’s gotten completely overwhelming. I am somewhat depressed, therefore I cry. Everyone is different but I also feel like sleep and healthy eating/excercise help balance my emotions. I’m just not good at sticking with it. So I do what I can. Good luck! Btw, Sensitivity is okay, too.
I really just want to say that having emotions is actually a normal thing. We are human at the end of the day and it isn’t always attributed to a ‘mental difficulty’ or gift as I like to call ADD. Being in touch with our emotions contributes to our emotional intelligence and that is definitely a good thing. You know sometimes I’ve had times where I’ve looked at a dog and just CRIED. There are so many different reasons why we can cry and it’s a beautiful luxury. Once you get to know yourself more you’ll understand your triggers. Don’t immediately try to run off to a doctor and try to diagnose yourself. There are so many ‘mental’ issues that are being diagnosed today.
ADD is a gift and always will be.
I appreciate your response but it really doesn't apply to me. I know emotions are normal but I do already know myself enough to know what is not normal.
Difficulty with managing emotions is a known issue for those individuals with ADHD. Below is a video from Thomas E. Brown arguably one of the leading experts on ADHD. Dr. Brown is a clinical psychologist who received his Ph.D. from Yale University.
Level of Emotions ( Impact of ADHD on Emotion) 2010
Old post, I know! But I have to say thanks for this video. I'm barely halfway through and really feeling it. 💖
I just want to share that I have suffered with this problem all my life. Probably 62 years. I was recently diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD. I thought ADHD was a condition that really affected students but I am now learning all the other baggage that comes with this condition. Prior to being prescribed anti-depressants in 1990, I cried constantly. I'd cry when I was being reprimanded, sad, angry, frustrated or ridiculed. The SSRI's numbed my emotions which for me was a good thing. I have never not been depressed but at least I didn't where the emotions on my arm for everyone to see. You are not alone in this condition. It's embarrassing especially if you cannot connect your tears to an event that most people would find acceptable. Be well!
I wasn't diagnosed until 61, six years ago, so many of us were not diagnosed until post menopause when we only have 65% of normal estrogen. And I cannot find any doctor who will treat me any differently than they do men because they don't understand the correlation, and by the time i was diagnosed it was too late for hormone replacement therapy.
Thank you for writing. Though I am sorry you have to deal with this too, it's somewhat comforting knowing I'm not alone.
Yep, everything wylly said. Also check out "how to ADHD" on YouTube, she has some good videos and a nice short and snappy one on emotional disregulation in ADHD. Would recomend.
I also very much have this problem whenever I am mildly annoyed, which kinda sucks. I was crying in the middle of Tesco last week because I lost track of my dad for 10 minutes. I am in my 20s, do not look delecate and have moved away for uni as of 2015... It is a regular problem for me.
Someone recommended I try cognitive behavioural therapy, but I hadn't considered hypnosis. I think they're probably quite similar. I am yet to sort out anything like that but having done some (extremely basic) research it looks good. Maybe have a look into CBT as well.
Could be worth bringing up CBT with your doc, as well as saying the antidepressants don't work? (I mean I am no medical expert but I have no idea why they put you on those if your emotions are generally fine. Trying to balance chemicals that are probably fine).
Hope it all goes well for you, and it great to know I'm not alone!
Hi and thank you. I just watched and subscribed to "How to ADHD" . I only watched the one on emotional disregulation but will be watching more of them. I have experienced overload on all emotions when I was younger but now the crying is the only one I can't seem to control. Anyway, thanks again for the You Tube info. Take care.
I am the opposite, I dont cry over little things, however the moment someone yells or gets upset at me I will cry or obsess over the situation for days HA.
I do the same until I had a big meltdown at work and my doctor took me off work. I have recently started back to work 3 days a week with a day in-between to rest. I also started seeing a psychologist. Best thing I ever did. I am 3 months into therapy and on my way up to being the confident person I used to be. I have Civilian PTSD. I have learned many techniques and ways to help me through so I don't break down. I wish you the best.
I totally understand. I was watching my sister’s dance recital and I teared up at the strangest moments. Not sure why.
I also have this problem and have thought that I was just "strange" until I was diagnosed with ADHD in my late thirties. I'm now 42 and just now realizing that ADHD is not JUST attention deficit-- it's sooooo much more! This is all so confusing to me.
Anyhow, I've noticed over the years that whenever I am injured I don't feel the physical pain right away, but I feel it emotionally instantly. It's so bizarre! I'll give an example. I used to go to the gym regularly to lift weights and run on the treadmill, and one day I decided to try something new. I went into the step aerobics class that was beginning, and did my best although I couldn't get my body to move as fast as the rest of the class. I felt like giving up several times, and had this sudden overwhelming urge to cry. I was so embarrassed and tried to hide it, but by the end of the class I was bawling and some women came up to me and started comforting me, saying they know it's hard on your first time but you'll get better, and please come back again. Don't quit now. Ha! I didn't even know why I was crying, and I certainly didn't feel intimidated by the class, but now I was intimidated by the fact that I was crying in front of an audience. Anyway, the next day immediately when I woke up, my foot was in so much pain! I didn't know where it was coming from because I had just been sleeping all night. After several minutes of thought, I put two and two together, and the emotional pain I experienced in class was directly related to my foot pain that had been previously redirected somehow to my emotional center instead of to my foot, and then after so many hours or a restful night's sleep, the chemicals started going to the correct place(s) again. I went to a doctor who confirmed I had sprained my foot, and it took three months to heal so I didn't go back to that class, just as one of the ladies had predicted.
Wow! What a strange thing ADHD is, sending chemicals to the wrong centers of the brain, at least that's how I understand it. I have hundreds of other examples like this that I can now look back on and go, "Oh, that was my ADHD! I had no idea ..." The lightbulb goes on ...
That's very interesting. I'm not sure but I don't think I have experienced that. Here is an example for me; I volunteer at our local Humane Society, which sometimes gives anyone a reason to cry but I used to go walk the dogs every Sunday on my day off. Then the mgr of the shelter decided to take a good portion of the yard where people could walk dogs and use it for something else. Something that did not benefit the shelter dogs at all. I was upset about it and angry. I talked to him about it to no avail of course. Anyway to make a long story short, anytime I talk to anyone about it, whether it was the volunteer mgr. (at the time), another volunteer, my husband or one of the board members that I went to to try and get some help with it, I always start to cry. Hell I'm tearing up right now as I write this. I mean yes it is sad to me that he did that but it's not something a normal person should cry over whenever they try and talk about it. I wanted to try to get permission to start a fundraiser to clear out trees in back and have a walking trail but who on earth would ever take me seriously if all I can do is cry at the mention of it. I just don't even talk about it anymore. I gave up. That's just one example. I have many. That's probably why my doctor always gives me antidepressants because I sometimes cry when I'm discussing something with him that is nothing to cry over. I hate being this way. I know people think I'm a big cry baby. It's so embarrassing. You wouldn't know it but I'm actually a very positive, glass half full kind of person.
Hell yes I get that! We are very empathic people and as we have no filter, it's just yet another example of impulsivity. Try not to give yourself a hard time about it, it's better than not caring at all and what's normal anyway?
Since I've been on medication (concerta XL, limited treatment options here in the UK), I feel like I don't cry enough! Maybe my stoicism is more socially acceptable than my overgrown toddler style crying fits were but it just makes me feel like a callous, heartless bitch so I don't know what's worse!
I know your original post was a while back but if you see this, my advice is to talk to your doctor about coming off the anti depressants if you haven't already done so, if they're not helping you they could be doing more harm than good.
Gabesmom594, that is interesting! I am the same way and never would’ve guessed it was related to ADHD. I cried when I flew to the UK for the first time (on business) and found out my credit card was blocking charges because it was being used in a foreign country. My co-workers were all at home asleep in bed so I couldn’t call them to fix that, and the bank in the US was closed anyway. I was bawling uncontrollably! I had to go hide in the bathroom because people were staring, and I was ashamed that I, as a professional salesperson, couldn’t control my emotions. Thankfully I was lucky enough to find angels that were strangers but knew I needed to help and gave me solutions to get transportation to my hotel with the very little amount of American money I had on me, and I was able to call my co-workers later to straighten it out.
We all experience the symptoms differently, but there are overlaps in patterns that make us all fit into the ADHD category. Since this is the first I’ve heard (your post) of the emotional regulation symptom of ADHD, I have not found any help for it. I can only say what I’ve done to be successful and strong.
Here’s what I’ve found:
•Don’t be afraid of your emotions; you can’t control the tears when they come so just look for sincerely caring people to help when you need it, and if possible take time away from other people (a mental health day) to sort through your feelings when needed.
•Go to a safe, quiet place and ask yourself in the moment that the tears come why you’re sad (as if you’re a close friend), and you might be surprised what you find. You have a “little voice” inside you that knows more than your conscious mind.
•Unload all the feels every couple of weeks by locking yourself in your bedroom for an hour or two and allowing yourself to cry, scream, yell, etc. INTO YOUR PILLOW so you don’t cause concern to innocent people in surrounding areas.
•Write in a journal or notebook and don’t spare any details. I’ve always kept mine because I’m a writer, but I’ve been told that it’s a good idea to put the negative stuff in burn books and then throwing them away or burning them in a fire pit. I may try the firepit idea.
I hope this helps.
Keeping a journal doesn't work for me. I have tried that a few times over the years but I get frustrated trying to get those feelings into words and onto paper. I know that does work for a lot of people.
Hey there- this is my first time using this site to connect. Distracted? yup.
I relate fully to the crying issue. I still cry when I am angry. So in situations where I need to be assertive I am sometimes saying assertive words, but crying! Being able to write instead has been a good alternate when I can.
Pre Menopause I had fountains of tears, sometimes for seeming days on end.
Yes, I have issues about crazy childhood: unusual drug addicted parents and neglect, abusive older siblings, etc. Therapy and support groups have helped me. But I would attribute the crying to "grieving my lost childhood". I was raising my kids then and being a stable, sober and available mother, so the contrast was big.
2 books helped SO much:
"Women's Moods; What Every Woman Needs to Know. Hormones and her Mental Health" by Deborah Sischel M.D.
I am an RN, but I learned so much! The graphs in the back to reproduce and then use to keep a log of issues relating to hormones was huge eye opener for me. To learn, again, that I was dealing with a biological issue- NOT that I was having low self esteem or was just a loser.
"The Highly Sensitive Person" another big insight for me.
Finally, my copy of "Attention Deficit Disorder in Adults- A Different Way of Thinking" has been my "go-to" book. Thank you Dr. Lynn Weiss.
In the epilogue she writes about herself, in relation to characteristics we ADDers share,
" I am very sensitive and feel things deeply" and has a positive spin.
I also love one of the characters in "The Secret Life of Bees". She gets so upset. She has made herself her own Wailing Wall in her backyard, and the Jewish men in Jerusulem, writes her prayers on pieces of paper, rolls them up, and puts them in a crevice. A letting go, giving it to God ritual.
Last comment, I have often wondered if there is something that is being excreted in tears that is the body's restoring itself to homeostasis, balance.
OK. I MUST go sort papers to file last years taxes. One of my least favorite tasks for this ADHD woman. be well
Thanks for posting and sharing some of what helps you. I'm definitely going to check out those books. If you don't mind me asking, are you on any meds for your ADHD and if so, do they help? The reason I ask is because I have never been able to find anything that helps and I wonder if it could be contributed to either my age (I'm 59) or do the drugs work differently if it's the inattentive type of ADHD? I'm probably grasping at straws but I'm just wanting something to help me.
Yes, yes, yes. I am highly sensitive. I came across a book called “the empathy survival guide. Life strategies for sensitive people by Judith Orloff
Thank you for sharing this. I am in my last 40s and have never understood the emotional dysregulation. Throughout my life, I have been accused of 'hypersensitivity', 'being so dramatic', 'cries easily', 'easily teased', etc.. Finally diagnosed last year, has been a huge lifesaver.
People with ADHD and/or inattentive ADHD have challenges with emotional regulation. I usually just get mad at my husband, but I’ve been quite tearful this weekend. I’m not sure of the connection other than being 45 years old and menopausal. 😯😩
Does your husband have ADHD as well? Mine does and is super hyper. What's worse is the fact that he doesn't think he does. He has more classic symptoms than me ( mine is inattentive) and he drives me nuts. I can't have a normal conversation with him. If I'm trying to talk about something, he interrupts me in mid sentence to ask or say something entirely different from our conversation.
Sometimes I think my husband has ADHD in regards to his organizational skills. He leaves stuff around the house, his side of our bedroom is a mess, dirty clothes don’t make it in the hamper (he leaves them on the floor). He runs his own business and I am always putting stray papers, checks, etc that he leaves lying around the house in his mailbox (that I created by the way However, he is able to stay focused with outside distractions and stay on task. He’s also focused during a conversation and for the most part does not interrupt. Unfortunately, I struggle with interrupting. I’m not purposely trying to be rude or disrespectful. Sometimes I interrupt because I’m afraid I will forget what I was going to say, other times it’s because I didn’t hear a word or to clarify on what the person is talking about. That’s usually when he gets upset with me, but if I didn’t hear or understand what he said, I can’t follow the conversation very well! Then, I get mad and frustrated because he is frustrated with me!
Sounds familiar only switched around somewhat. I struggle constantly with organization and procrastination. My house is always a disaster. My husband, for the most part is not as bad as me all over the house but in a couple ways he's worse. However I recognize that I am this way. I see my mess and it drives me crazy but doing something about it is where I get stuck. He does not acknowledge his own issues and always gets mad at me for how the house looks. It infuriates me to no end. We have one son together and guess what....yep, he also has ADHD.
Hi I tend to cry a lot nowdays as come to terms I've adhd and nothing I can do when I try to get meds long wait and feel life is slipping away just so empty. That makes me cry no help out there
I'm so sorry. I truly do know how you feel. I'm not in a very good place right now and a lot of that, actually most of that has to do with ADHD. I have no help or support and feel like life is just passing me by. I'm 59 and don't want to spend the rest of my time on this earth the way I have up til now.
I've been thinking about your post here for quite a while now. The earliest moment I can remember, I was about 4 years old and there were two songs that would always make me cry when I heard them- "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" from Wizard of Oz and "Somewhere Out There" (From An American Tail). I think I just dated myself there.
I remember a specific time when my family was visiting my grandparents and my sister started singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow to me and I would just cry. It wasn't bcause I was sad and certainly not because I wanted her to stop singing. I never figured out why this would always happen other than that I have an extreme sensitivity to music. Movies with sad storylines would often make my mother cry but it was never the storyline for me- it was the music. In other words, if you took the music from the movie, I'd have been fine- you add the music back in and it would trigger emotions.
I come from a musical family and I feel like my ADHD might come from my mom's side. Now that I'm thinking through it, this makes total sense that she used to cry at things like that.
At the age of 6, my mom had my sister and I (along with a bunch of other kids from the local theatre community) singing at nursing homes. She was the music director for a local theatre company and I pretty much lived that life until I was a teenager and wanted to be in a rock band instead. Even singing a song myself that triggered this type of emotion was always hard for me. To this day, I cannot listen to certain songs, like the song "Glycerine" from Bush or the song "What if God Was One of Us". I have to turn off the radio when they come on because they get emotion stirring too heavily and they could ruin an otherwise happy or content mood.
When I had my first son, I would get tears when he would do something that I could tell was going to be a beautiful memory- like his first birthday, learning to walk or seeing him interact with other kids and their parents. The weird thing about this type of emotion, though, was that it was often triggered by anxiety (like when these things were occurring around people I didn't know). Even though I'd be justifying it myself internally by saying "It's just because he's reaching milestones and you are proud", I knew deep down inside that it had something more to do with me not knowing how to deal with the anxiety of being the center of attention because of my son. Don't get me wrong, it was still from happiness, but I think the emotion itself may have also been triggered by that loss of control from the anxiety- the fight or flight taking over, perhaps.
I've been into writing music my whole life and not because I ever really thought I'd be a famous composer or anything. In fact, when I started making money composing music for local filmmakers, I no longer enjoyed doing it. I enjoyed writing music because I could almost take a "time-out" from the physical reality and start playing with how different sounds, melodies, and harmonies could spark those strange emotional bursts. Almost studying the impact of the sounds, if you will. The reason I was never able to complete my songs, I believe, had a lot to do with the distraction from my emotions. I'd get so hyperfocused on one part of the song for such a period that I'd get bored with it eventually and would want to experiment with some other type of sound/melody/harmony to see what it would do. I became infatuated with what makes sound and music physically touch us in this way.
Side note- my studies over the years [2] have also shown that it's not just me that associates music with explainable or compound emotions. I did some research years ago on the history of scoring for films and theatre and found that there used to be books which were indexed by different adjectives, like emotions or phrases, that would include little passages of music referred to as a "cantus firmus".
My friends used to say I should "hunker down and focus on finishing songs" and I'd often have to remind them that the reason I write music is both personal and spiritual- there's something latent and magical in the encoding of these vibrations. Sound waves, between their spatial and temporal dimensions, speak to us in ways that our bodies naturally respond. Imagine how crazy that is- music makes our bodies produce hormones? Light waves do this as well. Sunlight seems to trigger an extreme sense of euphoria for me and a beautiful rainstorm, with its vibrant color palette, can sometimes do the same. It makes me wonder if this phenomenon occurs in everyone to a degree but we are just more sensitive to it. [1]
A few years ago, I found myself becoming so wrapped up in my career that my wife mentioned taking up a hobby. As a teenager, I used to love DJing electronic music and so I decided to get back into that. There's something about electronic music that can cause me to close my eyes and sit around for hours digging deep into my soul. It's almost like I'm taking a journey through a hidden world- I see colors and very vivid images. It's as if my brain is subconsciously able to paint a story with the emotions extracted from the sound waves. Anyways, I took up DJing and was successful at it for a while.
I started out playing deep house music at a really upscale sushi restaurant in Baltimore, MD and quickly found myself with residencies at 3 different nightclubs playing weekly from Thurs through Sunday. There were many nights when I was able to work the energy in the room so well that it didn't really matter what songs I chose anymore- people were positive and carefree. I was told things like "you are a natural" and ran into situations where other DJs who depended on this for their livelihood were getting vindictive.
There's something about tapping into that emotion that was magical to me- I learned quickly how to use the selection of music throughout a night to create an atmosphere that would energize and inspire others. House music, as with most electronic music, is engineered to really grab those emotions and amplify the energy in a space. That's one of the reasons for listening to it has become part of my morning routine.
Anyways, that's a long background to my own emotional responses to the world. I don't think it's just music or light that I'm sensitive to. I believe I am sensitive to other forms of vibrations, some of which quantum mechanics might eventually be able to explain. But these are yet other reasons that I do believe the law of attraction is feasible.
As to your crying uncontrollably- I'd love to hear more details about your experiences with this. I've always felt that it is a gift but I'm sure not everyone feels this way.
[1] larkinam.com/Articles/ArtMu...
[2] amazon.com/Music-Brain-Ecst...
WOW! Thank you for your fascinating wonderful post. Its 2AM ...but I have to write some reply. Music has a profound effect on me. I identify completely with having strong emotional responses to music- hence my username! Yes, I also have musicians in my family. My father was a folk singer genius songwriter and performer. And, he also had 20 plus year battle with first speed, then heroin addiction. I am sure there is a correlation between alcoholism/addictions (esp the drugs that are sedating) and emotional sensitivity. Some musical pieces always make me cry... Usually with lyrics, but sometimes musical pieces without lyrics. I used to go to Northern CA a few times a year and I would participate in Ecstatic Dance events. I live in Central Florida. Only one yoga studio- 30 miles away - is trying Ecstatic dance occasionally. I hope it takes root and grows! Meanwhile, I go dance once a week at a beachfront open air bar/restaurant with LIVE music and a couple of great bands.
Whats my point? I dunno right now. I have to go to sleep! But I really loved reading your experiences. I will read it again for sure.
I am resonating with identification with your experience of music. Thank you again!
When I posted that question, I was asking about it in a whole other sense but I read your post just now and realized that ADHD may well be why certain music and songs stir my emotions so much. I thought I was just overly sentimental but maybe not. I was extremely close to my grandmother growing up (and today's her birthday by the way) and she would be working around the house and singing. Some of the songs were just silly ones but she loved to sing certain gospel songs. Now, all these years later, no matter where I am or who I'm with, if I hear any of those songs she sang, I tear up. Songs that remind me of good time always lift my spirits. I know that may be true for a lot of people but for me it's just such strong emotion.
Honestly just reading all you posts are helping me no end. I am 69 for goodness sake and had no idea what was wrong with me until the penny dropped just recently. I knew i was different,i do the interrupting,the seeing things quite differently to everyone else,have learning difficulties, all the above really but for me the worst is my emotional self and the crying at all the same stuff as you Gabesmom and especially for me are the enormous animal welfare issues to the point where I have to distance myself from them as it is all sucking me down a black hole. i am pretty sure that at the moment i am suffering depression too but I never feel that I want to harm myself,just fall down that black hole and stay there,safe.
I spoke to a doctor friend yesterday and she said,"there is nothing wrong with you just with the whole world" but agreeing I have ADHD most probably.
I love the positive aspects of ADHD and there are some for sure. I think we just all need to understand ourselves and acknowledge that we are different and learn to deal with ourselves better.
In fact there are so many of us I am beginning to wonder if we are the normal ones and everyone else is not.
One positive aspect of ADHD is that my Hyperactivity keeps me young. My kids have always said that they cannot keep up with me and i am still very fit and active,riding young horses still in competition.
Love this chat page and so glad I found it,thankyou everyone,and yes I am tearing at this too!
Same here with the crying like you said songs and stuff make everyone cry by for us it is multiplied by 100. Lol. Yes it’s funny you said that my ADHD keeps me young. I’m 48 for always doing stuff that kids would do. I still do flips on the trampoline at my work I climb on shelves and desk to hang stuff for people. Do you know when I’m at the mall I actually run up an escalator that’s going down just because it’s closer for me to get there. How embarrassing is that
Sounds like (ADHD Emotional Affects.) I was going to say though, you could also just have hidden depression. I have depression, and was diagnosed with it a little over 1 1/2 year ago, and was diagnosed again a few months ago and put on Zoloft (take in the AM)
and nortriptyline (to take at bed) time only.
They have been doing amazing not going to lie, but this last couple weeks I think I may need a higher dose. Before I was on them and diagnosed with Depression and Anxiety and PTSD, I would cry because I would fight it for so long.... but when I let it go and stopped trying to hold it in.... it felt good to my body and I couldn't control it or make it stop. I am not ADD-ADHD, my tests are always negative for that, so I personally cant say how ADHD feels with wanting to cry out of the blue.... other than what my spouse has told me and what I have heard others refer to it as it being one of the ADHD Emotional Affects.
Depression sucks, having.. and if you don't treat soon it can result into emotional damages that could have been prevented, if that makes sense. Personally, I would defenatly talk with a physiatrist about it, and vent your heart and soul out to them in individual therapy... and hopefully get on a higher dose, and or, different kind of antidepressant. There are plenty out there who will just let you cry your feelings away, and you walk out feeling like the elephants on your back are now off.
You know yourself best, so do what your intuition says is in your best interest. Good luck, and keep us all posted
Omg. I wonder the same thing. Yes I can cry so easily and can not stop. It happens at work and yes it can be embarrassing. My dr told me that Yes adhd can cause this for a number of reasons.

Welcome to the group. There is a lot of good information that gets shared on here. I hope you find something that helps you.
How is your medicine doing for you. I've had no luck finding any that works.
It’s only my second day on the gabapentin then next week they r gonna start an adhd med. so I hope it works.
Same here with the crying like you said songs and stuff make everyone cry by for us it is multiplied by 100. Lol. Yes it’s funny you said that my ADHD keeps me young. I’m 48 for always doing stuff that kids would do. I still do flips on the trampoline at my work I climb on shelves and desk to hang stuff for people. Do you know when I’m at the mall I actually run up an escalator that’s going down just because it’s closer for me to get there. How embarrassing is thato

That's so funny....I do silly stuff all the time as well. I was going somewhere a couple days ago and a song came on that I love. I turned the volume up and was singing with the song and dancing in my seat. I pulled up to a red light and realized the car next to me was watching. I looked over and the young man in the passenger seat yelled out "you go mama". I just smiled with a thumbs up and went back to singing. My husband is always telling me to act my age. What the hell fun is that?
If it doesn't work don't take it and tell your doctor. Many people assume if you cry you are sad, but you don't have to be. There are many other things that can cause it, like unstable hormones
I grew up being called crybaby. I have never been on a job interview when I didn't start crying. Even now,at 61, I am very emotional. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 30.
I was diagnosed with ADD a year ago and Narcolepsy one month later.
Emotions that can't be controlled are debilitating.
YES! I was always catagorized by my family as having emotions that were either happy or sad, nothing in between. Did not get diagnosed til 61 (!!) a few years ago, then once on meds realized they did not stop the tearing up or emotional dis-regulation. So looked into it - it is called Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) and is a co-morbid condition in addition to the difficulty controlling emotions that comes with ADHD. Once I realized it was too hard to control my doctor put me on clonidine (guanifane? is the other drug), the smallest dose morning and night and it DOES help, but takes about 3 weeks to start working. Ask your doc!
I have broken in tears at family
Celebrations out of the blue. Also if sometimes at my old place of work where
it was stressful 4 me at time , I would break down in tears if I was called into one of the
bosses’ offices and this was with
anti-depresssants that I was on. Also if I’m
listening to a song that is especially
special to me, at times, I can feel the physicality of my emotions. I’m going to talk to my psych tomorrow and might discuss it with her
I would be very interested in what she has to say if you don't mind sharing.
Hi it's Shnookie again. In regard to what there is a correlation between outbursts of crying and ADHD and for that matter tantrums that I exhibited as well, I'll be speaking to my psychiatrist today Thank God. I have a Webex job interview and need all the support I can get..It will be interesting to hear her perspective on the matter. Also if I may ask does your son take any psychotropic medications ? Whether they be Anti-anxiety or depression or ADD meds. This is not meant to be an intrusive question. I'm 62 and as a little girl in the 1960's perhaps felt depression and had outbursts from crying. I have a history of extreme depression and some anxiety on mom's side of the family including my mom being hospitalized twice for psychiatric issues and on my father's side he and
my aunt and grandparents were holocaust survivors and my grandmother had a terrible case of survivor's guilt. In fact I don't know if I really have gone into depth with this my shrink after all these. I'll try to allocate my time properly and see if I can go over this with her today. Looking over your family's history might help you understand why your son is going thru this now. I do know how it feels to sob at an instant uncontrollablly with nobody understanding what is going on. My heart goes out to U and I hope that the doctors and therapists and you and Gabe working together as a family unit can find a way to navigate thru these emotionally situations. I'm here 4 U M
It's called emotional dysregulation. On youtube, a good resource is howtoadhd. Just search for emotional dysregulation and a peppy, young, red-head will give you the skinny on it. She's great
Well I can most definitely say I am..
I cry at everything...Happy, Sad (obviously), frustrated and even when I am angry..
You know I feel the same way at times and at other times, I really couldn't give a hoot anymore..Even if I was raised in a family who would mock it..or even had some other nasty people who would be rude about it.. at least I can feel and cry. 🤷