Hi. I am new here and grateful to have found this group.
I am in my 40s and have been on 300mg Wellbutrin xl for one year. It is the first prescription medication for my ADHD that I have taken.
At first the results were phenomenal - my attention is focused and I no longer crave dopamine hits. Those benefits continue now, but I also am less and less interested in people and the activities that used to bring me joy. I am becoming depressed and concerned that this path away from people and social activities is unending. I don't recognize myself.
Do you have experience with Wellbuturin? If so, how does this differ from yours? Does this resonate at all? Have you found differences between 150mg/day and 300mg/day?
Also, I am looking for an expert (preferably in the SF Bay Area) to work with regarding my symptoms and titration. I am the first patient my psychiatrist has prescribed Wellbutrin for adult ADHD. I need to work with someone with more patient experience and expertise.
Thank you in advance for your insights and recommendations!