Hi all, I've just joined this group and thought I'd just say hi and quickly introduce myself.
I've enjoyed reading through some posts and links to information. I've been considering seeking a diagnosis but thought I'd join the group to see options.
I have always had my suspicion but there is so much conflicting symptoms and information I've just always opted to crack on. Also, I'm quite complex character with childhood trauma and, in recent years, my tinnitus is 24/7. I'm more hyper-focused than anythi
Generally speaking I struggle to sit still, unless I have something of strong interest to focus on. Otherwise I get easily distracted, or more precisely, I struggle to switch off from the task I've just completed. This is where I think the conflicts occur. I'm actually very tidy (probably overly tidy) and organised.
I find I fit most of these symptoms..
- restless
- hard to prioritise
- takes me the to complete tasks
- but I overly focus and almost possessed on achieving or completing tasks (projects but have to complete tasks to perfection or personal objectives such as exercise (e.g. running a marathon or full workout at the gym)
- get frustrated with minor set backs
- mood swings/anxiety
- trouble managing finance
However, when I read the following, for example, from CHADDs that would think is more precise, I don't relate to it quite as much.
On the other hand, I relate to much of Thomas E Brown's Smart But Stuck audible.co.uk/pd/1705261000....
Other symptoms I've heard abut is my lack confidence in myself and anxiety.
I appreciate I'm probably not alone.
My traits sometimes serve me wellbut at other times not.
In recently years (mid-40s) I completed a degree with First-class honours and PGCE and teach in a college.
I don't know from what I've read that I'd get a diagnosis. Anyway I look forward to reading more posts and any advice.