I was recently diagnosed with ADHD at 23 and am struggling with accepting my diagnosis and am looking for guidance/advice.
Before I explain, here's some background:
I spent years with the misdiagnosis of Major Anxiety. I saw a therapist and began taking medication freshman year of undergrad. After awhile, I stopped meds and therapy because "I was fine". But after finishing my Master's Degree and getting a full-time job, I was in the worst mental health of my life. Struggling to keep up, to be happy, and to stop the incessant critical self talk, I began seeing a new therapist. After a continued decrease in my mental health, she recommended I see a psychiatrist for medication.
After a psych eval, the psychiatrist said, "This might sound crazy to you, but I think you have ADHD." "No," I replied. "There's no way I have ADHD." The only concept I had of ADHD was my hyperactive brother with severe ADHD and I did not see that in me. She had me answer more questions and still saw inattentive ADHD and prescribed medication. I still did not believe it. I then saw another psychiatrist for a full evaluation. Again, another test with positive indicators of ADHD.
That's where I am today. Taking 30 mg of Adderall XR a day and seeing a therapist bi-weekly. Both of which have helped, but I continue to struggle accepting the diagnosis. Personal accounts I've read describe post diagnosis feelings of relief. I feel sad, confused, and honestly still skeptical. ADHD symptoms I struggle with such as poor organization, time management, cleanliness, memory, prioritizing tasks, etc. I thought were a product of my age. I thought one day I would finally get it together. I thought once I worked a good job, received my degrees, etc., I would be happy. The ADHD diagnosis felt like I lost that hope. The thought that I might always feel "one step behind" is one I can't get past.
I've spent many hours researching ADHD and resonate with the symptoms, but still cannot accept it. How did you come to terms with ADHD diagnosis? If you got it as an adult like I did, how did you conceptualize this new part of your identity?
I really appreciate any help and thank you in advance.