Hello, I posted on here the other day that I have recently learned of my ADHD diagnosis. I think I found out about it because all the changes in my life exposed it to me. I moved in with my girlfriend, started a stressful job, have been locked down because of Covid when I have been an athlete the majority of my life, and had bills to pay. The forgetfulness, memory issues, inability to sit still, inability to listen, added on with feelings of anxiety and depression became too much. I felt like I finally got a great job and moved in with my significant other and finally was starting to get the things I always wanted, but still didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin.
I finally was able to connect with a psychiatrist who gave me the ADHD diagnosis. It almost seemed obvious to him that I had it based on the symptoms I was experiencing and previously experienced. He started me on 5mg on Ritalin. I am assuming it is a starter dose and I am noticing some effects already. To further compound issues I found when I was a child that I was prescribed Zoloft and adderall for a month and taken off. I also had a ton of progress reports and psych evaluation all pointing to adhd. I was thinking how could my parents miss all the signs?
I talked to my brother who has his own mental health struggles and he said my mom knew but didn’t want us on meds. My mom lied to me and said she didn’t know I had it. The feelings I have are confusing at best. Despite all my struggles I was an accomplished athlete, have a masters degree, a great job, a girlfriend, and an apartment, but I can’t help but imagine how much easier my life would have been growing up. I don’t have many friends, have always felt odd, and have always had tumultuous relationships. I try not to dwell in the past and am trying my best to stay future oriented, but I am definitely frustrated. Have many of you had similar experiences? Or felt odd or out of place growing up?