Wanted to send this while it's fresh in my mind. The last 24 hours have been so out of character (sort of) for him. Last night before church he spilled his milk in the car on the way. I had to stop and get gas so I was like go in side and clean yourself up as best you can while I'm filling up with gas. He comes out no big deal. Get to church check him in and sent him outside. Went outside to check on him and I startled him as he was getting something out/in his pocket. He had stolen a piece of candy (a gummy eye ball of all gross things to steal) from the gas station.
I talked to him sternly how we don't steal things and I think he knew I was upset. I had him sit on the sidewalk and not move until I came back for him. About 5 minutes later I came out and he was still sitting there. The rest of the night at church was an up hill battle but most of the kids were squirrelly too. He wasn't listening, did t want to participate and he wanted to do his own thing.
Right after school we went to the gas station and apologized to the manager (he was scared he would be going to jail and kept asking us not to do it) with Dad and I both standing beside him. He paid for the piece of candy from his own money (even though he didn't want to and we made him do it). The manager even said he has good parents that love him and that hopefully he won't do it again. Hopefully he learned his lesson.
Well after we got home from that I saw an email from the principal. At recess he told another friend "you scared the F out if me" (said whole word) so he had to have lunch with the principal today. They talked about appropriate things to say and not talk like that again.
On top of all that and not having screens today, he was reading a book and took a sharpie and crossed out a word in the story and wrote the word "killed!" We talked to him about why would he write such a thing or what was he thinking. First he said he wanted to be an author so he wanted to write a book. He made a story up about his great uncle being murdered. I was like what was his name? I don't know. How did you hear about this? I don't know. I asked if he wants to hurt any of his friends or himself and he said himself. I said that would make mommy and daddy sad if he did that. I asked how he wanted to hurt himself and he said I don't know but not kill me.
Could it be the medicine he is on? He's a good kid when he chooses to be. We can't be with him 24/7 as he would like. We are just beside ourselves on what to do.