I previously wrote a post “loss of control”
Here is the update, my son and I had a meeting with the principal and math teacher. Principal and math teacher didn’t want to let him out of the class and the counselor was agreeing to keep him in. I informed them being in an environment that is causing anxiety isn’t beneficial for learning and they still agreed he is better off staying in the same class cause he will be spiteful and bc will Do better in the other class if he leaves. The principal didn’t have time to finish the meeting so we planned to meet again on Monday. Well Monday came and went with no meeting. Today I called and no one was available, so I just showed up at the school and I had a meeting with the counselor who said they can’t make the change. I said the change needs to take place and my son needs to make the choice so that the consequences are his doing. He needs to have some control in his life and even something this small may make a difference.
the choices he had were:
1. Stay in the same class and be more respectful and try
2. Go to another class that will change your schedule. If they have room and will take you
3. Go to online class and keep your schedule and add another elective for early graduation.
he said,” 2 and then 3”
He is now enrolled in online math and the teacher sounds wonderful and has been informed of his desire to learn as well as how he learns and looks forward to working with him.
Giving him the choice made it better for him to decide rather then me SAYING YOU HAVE NO CHOICE. He felt more confident and I think he maybe preform better in an environment that is comfortable. He was also placed on a tracker that so that he is held accountable for his action in class he can see instantly if he wasn’t on task and if he needs to make a correction.