I’m new here because I’m in the middle of getting my 3 year old diagnosed with ADHD. I started seeing signs when he was about 2.5 years old and then he started preschool and his teachers also noticed. He is so sweet but has a whole other side to him. He can watch TV for hours (if I let him) but he can’t play with anything for more then 5 minutes at the most. I had him join soccer and he is the only kid who is wondering around the field aimlessly and running around in between all the kids just disrupting the entire practice. He also doesn’t listen to me when I call his name and he likes to run so it’s a safety issue. He runs and when I yell for him he keeps going never looking back. I could scream his name for minutes and he would still just continue running. He laughs when I finally catch him like its big game. This is the most difficult behavior I’m dealing with right now. I’m here basically for support because raising an ADHD child is much harder then I ever imagined. His father isn’t involved and I have a small family and support system so I joined here.
My Son Has ADHD: I’m new here because I... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
My Son Has ADHD
I'm sorry you both are going through a hard time. This sounds pretty identical to what we went through at that age. My son is now 7 next month. We tried soccer shots and other sports with same outcome. Running away/not listening/causing disruption. It so hard in the moment because you see all the other kids and parents enjoying themselves and your just trying to figure out why this is happening. It feels really isolating. Your doing the right thing getting started on diagnosis path now. This is a great place to come to with questions and for support. Another great resource is attitudemag.com When your son is closer to 5 and 6 I also suggest checking out ADHD dude on you tube. He has an excellent parent training series as well as just general information on adhd.
We tried t-ball with the same results when my grandson was 6. His teacher recommended martial arts and he did taekwondo for years. The instructors were also schoolteachers who were wonderful with ADHD kids. Got all the way to a 2nd degree black belt and just quit. But he will always have that accomplishment.
According to many book all kids exhibit these symptoms before age five. That’s why they wait to diagnosis it. Three is really young for organized soccer …