Hi all! I'm new here and looking for support and guidance. My 13 year old son has ADHD combined type. He just finished 8th grade at a Private School. I am a single parent and my son and I live with my parents. He takes 25 mg of Focalin XR every morning with the option to take another 10mg in the afternoon.
Prior to this Covid 19, my son was doing good in school. He had a 3.5 GPA and participated in Volleyball. When the school decided to have students stay home and study online in March things went backwards. I started noticing my son staying up late playing video games with friends online. Everyday I would ask if he checked in for school and did his work. I never saw him doing any school work online. Then I started getting emails from his teachers indicating that he was not only not doing his work, but he wasn't even getting credit for attendance (which was submitting his name on scheduled days at a certain time).
Long story short, he had not done a single thing for school since they went online. When I printed out his missing work it totaled around 50 assignments total for all his classes. Every day I would have to check to verify how much he had completed and checked on him almost every hour.
Here is where I am struggling... my parents think that I should be monitoring his every move making sure he is doing his work on time daily. To me, my parents want me to treat my son like he is in Kindergarten. Their take on it, is his ADHD isn't his fault which I agree with but I believe that he is old enough to take responsibility for his actions and should get natural consequences. I've tried to give him tools (schedules, planners, social stories, lists, rewards, etc.) I would love to hear what other parents are doing if they are faced with the same issues I am. Thank you for your time.