My beautiful 18 yr old daughter had diagnosed ADHD and ODD. She's very smart, gifted as a HS sprinter, very creative.... but a handful !!!! We had a councelor for 5 years which she trusts. 2 years ago she also developed an eating disorder which we found out about early on. She spent 1 month in the hospital and then 6 weeks of outpatient eating disorder counseling/meetings. She still has body image problems despite being drop dead beautiful.. She's been involved with trying drugs, vaping and early sex but we have steered clear of major challenges. Just started driving. She is NOT medicated although we have tried multiple stimulants and Strattera. Cant swallow pills so we have found liquid stimulants but they extinguish her appetite which she loves but may lead her head on back into Anorexia again.
Her mom has tried natural remedies, nutritional ideas but our daughter refuses help. She knows everything already just like most teenagers
She hates HS, refuses or fights parent or tutoring help ( ODD ) but should graduate this year. Her black and white thinking with ODD cause major disruptions at home with us and although she is very social ( she gets lots of boy attention), there's always DRAMA somewhere in her life. Wish she could utilize ADHD meds but the danger of anorexia has stopped us multiple times so she has never benefited with focus and organization as many medicated users have. We can see other HS friends excelling in school, going off to college next fall while she ends up working at a low paying job, no specific skill and exposed to less motivated workers. There is some chance she may attend a nearby community college PT and hopefully stay in touch with school while working.
What else can we do ???