my 20 year old daughter has inattentive ADHD. She went undiagnosed until she was 18. She takes 50mg Vyvanse. She likes it very much for the focus. I am not sure if it's related to the vyvanse (I really don't think so, ,but probably makes it worse), but she has anxiety- especially social anxiety. And within the last year or so, Ive found her to be really irritable and often cranky. She takes Vyvanse and Guanfacine (to help the crash from Vyvnse). I realize anxiety is often another condition found with ADHD- HERE IS MY QUESTION
I don't know what to do about the anxiety/irritability/crankiness. Are they all the same thing? Does she need something like Zoloft for that? Is it actually a mood disorder? We have tried psychiatrist, and that was just a big waste of time and money. He just wanted to prescribe everything under the sun. Does anyone out there have a late teen/young adult who has similar symptoms? her focus is handled very well with the Vyvanse so she doesn't want to switch- She tried several other meds first, and none worked. Im wondering if something for anxiety, like Zoloft or Celexa would help but that makes THREE meds she would be on. HELP!