My 8th grade daughter is taking a high school level class which uses a state standardize test format for class tests. The nature of her ADHD makes these types of test difficult for her to pass as they are designed to be “tricky”.
She has worked very hard since elementary school getting to where she is now! She is in all advanced classes now and an honor roll student but has struggled every year to get a passing grade on her annual state tests. She was almost held back in third grade due to low scores on the reading level on the state standardize test. These standardize tests absolutely do not reflect her actual capabilities.
Her 504 accommodations allow extra testing time, which doesn’t help at all. I have run into roadblocks in trying to get an alternate testing format as the teacher feels she should be able to pass these tests because it is high school level. She attends the extra study groups and teacher help sessions. The teacher knows she knows the material. She just can’t execute to this style test.
Most of the accommodations I see listed don’t address this particular challenge. She needs a more straightforward test: short answer, essay, teacher interview etc.
Any suggestions how to help her get adequate accommodations?