Hello Everyone,
I have some questions/need some advice. My daughter is 7, diagnosed with ADHD, is taking Focalin XR and has started back at school for second grade. For the last 3 years, we have been through a journey with school and at home, and things are not seeming to get better.
We took her to a phsycologist and she was diagnosed with ADHD after the 3-4 hour series of tests they did. They also did a questionaire with parents and teachers and concluded with her diagnosis.
In first grade, we decided to try medication since we started to realize/notice that things where effecting her relationship with us (her parents) and with her friends. I did notice that the medication would help her focus, but did not seem to really help with her defiance and complete lack of listening. Her tantrums/outburst where still present. One day at school she cleared off a shelf of books/games/puzzles, I was called into school. By time I arrived, she was calm and cleaning the mess.
Fast forward to this year, second grade, and I have been called in, yesterday, since she was defiant with the teacher. She was putting marker and hand sanitize on her lips and face, moving her behavior marker to green (instead of red), took something from teachers desk, etc. The teacher used all her tools as we requested, then called the principle who had to physically remove her from the classroom (not the first time).
When I am called into school, I have the same conversations, constantly feeling like the principle thinks I have no idea what I am talking about, like her behavior has nothing to do with ADHD and that I am doing something wrong. Maybe I am doing something wrong, maybe her behavior is not related to ADHD, I am no expert.
At home we observe screaming, shouting, hitting, disrespect towards us, her brother, and the home itself. Pounding on doors, slamming doors, hitting the table with forks/spoons. Over all, physical damage has been done to the house. Things have gotten to the point which we send her outside and lock the door since we are afraid we will explode with her. Unfortunately, I have exploded with her and yelled, held her down, etc. The outburst from my end are not the correct approach.
We are trying a new positive reinforcement chart at home which only rewards with screen time, which she likes. When she missed a opportunity to receive a check, we remind her that she missed an opportunity. We do not take away or punish since that does not seem to work.
I am wondering if medication should be adjusted, if I should take a different approach? I am really tossing in my white flag here, have been at that point for a while now. Are there any good articles around medication and when to adjust dosage/change?
Thanks everyone!