My son is 14 years old, diagnosed with inattentive ADHD a year ago. He is going to this charter school and the whole 8th grade year has been a battle. He's gone through 2 meds that didn't work--they made him very sick. He started failing his core classes, so I reached out to the guidance counselor, assistant principal and teachers and was very transparent about his struggle. I requested a 504 plan that was not put in place, but back in April they pulled him out of Art class and gave him an extra class to do work. (It hasn't been effective, as the teacher in this class lets him work on his own devices and he ends up not doing much). Well, the reason I'm upset is that the class where he has a chance to get a passing grade in, he had a Powerpoint presentation due Friday. My child had to present it in a group with his class. They have laptops and their schoolwork is all submitted electronically. The system (it's called Canvas--some of you might know it--I HATE it) said that the student had until 11:59 p.m. to submit the assignment. The assignment was completed the prior day, my son did his presentation, but he forgot to submit it. When he got home from school, I asked him did he submit it and he did not. I had him get online and submit it at 4:00 p.m. His teacher gave him a 25% late deduction because she said they were supposed to submit it at the beginning of class that day and my son did not.
I explained to her that having inattention adhd, it's easy to not remember to do things youre told. I reached out to the assistant principal as well. Well, she refused to take off the penalty and I am so angry about it. I think it's terribly unfair, boderline cruel to hold this over him. If he hadn't gotten the deduction, his project would've been a B. With the deduction, it plummeted to an F! It's like these teachers don't even try to help or understand. I was a teacher before and I'd NEVER do this to a child!
What can I do? This all feels so wrong!
Thank you