Hi all - looking for some guidance with the response my son received from his teacher when he emailed her asking for some of his homework assignments to be exempt. His IEP states that HW assignments may be shortened or exempt at teacher discretion as long as it does not reduce necessary content. So basically, practice and busy work can be reduced or exempt all together. Below is teacher response:
“I will not exempt homework. I will give you two extra days to complete each one since you get 100% extra time, but doing the homework is how you learn the math to be successful on the tests. I do about half of each homework with you all in class, so usually you have only about 10 more to do per assignment every day. I also try to give you time in class and many finish in that first day. For 6 of the 14 assignments for this second quarter you only turned in the ones I did for you all in class. This means you did nothing in 2 days for each one of those. That is just not trying. Your test scores have gone down because you aren't practicing by doing homework. We can shorten assignments or give you the extra days, but you can't just not do them.”
To add some context:
1. my son takes medication during the school day however medicating after school drastically delays sleep onset.
2. He is heavily invested in sports (where he has the opportunity to experience success and bolster his self esteem) and has practices/games most days. The days he doesn't have practice he either relaxes and spends time with friends or catches up on his own laundry, which his household chore.. along with being responsible for his own space/bedroom being clean.
3. He cares deeply about doing well in school and makes sure he is never late to school in the morning and almost never misses a day as he fears falling behind and keeping up.*** HE IS TRYING**
4. My son States that one reason he didn't do some of the HW assignments was bc he did not understand the content, and in the same, did not perform well on those tests. I also recognize that he does not do homework at times bc he has ADHD, which is, as some people aren't aware of, a neurobiological disorder preventing him from performing consistently as well as his neurotypical peers. He is not “not trying” or lazy.
Honestly, at the end of the school day, he is D.O.N.E and doesn't have the neurotransmitters in circulation like the classmates who “try” and succeed in getting HW done!
I used to hire tutors and cajole him to get all his homework done. I no longer do that as he literally started to develop anxiety that to temporarily seek treatment for. This was extremely upsetting bc he is my one child who was never anxious.
So sorry for the length of this post! I suppose it is part advice-seeking and part rant… 😅🤪